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Category: Internet

My Computer Does Not Open PDF’s

What are PDF’s PDFs were invented by Adobe and stands for Portable Document Format and is one of the main file types used for people and organisation who want to distribute files. Why PDF’s are particularly possible and very useful is they can be used and look the same by pretty much all devices, including, computers, laptops and mobile devices.… Read more →

Why Your Website Needs HTTPS

Looking around the internet and coming across a lot of websites here in Townsville, its quite easy to notice that a lot of websites are still using the unprotected http over https.   HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is the way in which data is sent over the internet and between your web browser and website. This… Read more →

Web Browser Alterntaives

Awesome Browser Extensions

What are Browser Extensions Your web browser is the program and application you use on your computer like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer to surf the internet and read websites such as this one. The programs come with heaps of functionality to do the things most developers think you want to do. Google Chrome for instance incorporates its… Read more →

computer virus townsville

PUP Potentially Unwanted Programs

There are a lot of computer threats out there these days and lots of ways criminals can hurt you, destroy your data or spy on what you are doing. Some of them just advertise you and are more of a nuisance than a real threat and others can cause real damage and full loss of both physical components and software,… Read more →

townsville computer repairs nerds ics

Share Your Internet from Windows 10

Most people either have some sort of modem, router or wireless device they use to access the internet these days. Gone are the days we used one connection per computer, or everyone had their own dial up connection. For most people the will definitely be the way to go, but every now and again people find themselves in a situation… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs help

Someone Has Accessed My Computer

Why Would Someone Want To Access My Computer WWW should sand for the Wild Wild West not World Wide Wed and thats because thats exactly what it is. With no real law and anyone from anywhere just about able to reach, connect or communicate with you, the internet is the worlds largest group of people who want to be your… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs

Questions and Answers 09-02-2018

Bang for my buck, what is the best way to speed my computer up? This is actually a really complicated question, but I am going to do my best to answer it and speak in general. Speeding up your computer will depend on what you do. Are you playing games, number crunching, writing software or doing graphic and editing, animation… Read more →


5 Reasons Your Email Might Not Be Working

One of the most common problems people call us for, whether its a school, big organisation or home user is email problems. Email are one of the oldest yet still most used and trusted ways to communicate on the internet. You do need internet to send and receives emails and some people have internet problems and in turn affects their… Read more →

townsville computer terminology

Misunderstood Tech Terms

I am always writing about technology and mostly computer related updates and information. But every now and again I get emails asking me what certain terms mean. AS lot of people have heard of these words, and most people have some idea what they mean. But a lot are also misunderstood. I have gone through my emails and phone conversations… Read more →

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