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Tag: information

online storage data townsville computer man

Pros and Cons of Online Storage

When we are talking about computers and phones and refer to storage we are basically talking about the hard drive on our device in which we store our photos, media and applications. On these hard drives there are other files as well, like programs which make our computer run, or the operating system itself like Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX or… Read more →

HDD Solid State Drive data townsville

How a HDD Hard Disk Drive Works

A lot of people can be forging for thinking their whole computer desktop tower or laptop is the hard drive when referring to it. But the actually hard drive, the device responsible for storing files and operating system such as Windows 10 is actually a little box the size of your hand within the computer or laptop. Your hard drive… Read more →

Data security townsville

What is Data Encryption

Encryption is a process in which data can be organised so only the selected or allowed people or parties can access it. Having something encrypted does not stop anyone from holding, or intercepting your data, but rather it basically stops someone from being able to read it or make any sense of it at all. Although it sounds very technical… Read more →

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