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Tag: security

online storage data townsville computer man

Pros and Cons of Online Storage

When we are talking about computers and phones and refer to storage we are basically talking about the hard drive on our device in which we store our photos, media and applications. On these hard drives there are other files as well, like programs which make our computer run, or the operating system itself like Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX or… Read more →

Why Your Website Needs HTTPS

Looking around the internet and coming across a lot of websites here in Townsville, its quite easy to notice that a lot of websites are still using the unprotected http over https.   HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is the way in which data is sent over the internet and between your web browser and website. This… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

I can, but should I upgrade my Operating System?

When a new Operating System comes out, everyone is quick to think it must be the best because it is the latest and greatest. Most times after a little use people end up realising it wasn’t a whole lot different than the old. New operating systems like Windows 10 will always have if not completely new, some different features. Of… Read more →

Wireless security Townsville

Port Forwarding

What are Ports When accessing the internet, your computer most likely has a private and public IP address.  Your IP address (Internet Protocol) is a unique address assigned to your network which distinguishes you from every other computer/network on the internet. Loosely speaking, when you request a web page in your browser such as, your computer sends a request… Read more →

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