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Tag: sharing

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Share Your Internet from Windows 10

Most people either have some sort of modem, router or wireless device they use to access the internet these days. Gone are the days we used one connection per computer, or everyone had their own dial up connection. For most people the will definitely be the way to go, but every now and again people find themselves in a situation… Read more →

computer repairs townsville

What are Network Shares

With every new Operating System becoming easier and easier to do things, network sharing is becoming increasingly more popular. You may have heard the term before and not really understood what it is, and if you have and media devices around your house, you might already be using it and not know it. In its essence network shares are files… Read more →

Townsville laptop computer man

What is Social Media

Everyone has heard of, most of us use it, but what exactly is the buss with all this social media going around? Although Social Media is not specific to computers or laptops, and can be accessed by pretty much any internet connected device like mobile phone, tablet and smart watch, it still gets bought up a lot and a lot… Read more →

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