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Tag: update

computer repairs in townsville

Graphics Cards in Laptops

Other than the noticeable difference between a desktop computer and a laptop, there are also a lot of differences under the hood as well. The basics of computers are the same, a motherboard, processor, memory and hard drive, but the way they are all bundled together and arranged is quite different. Unlike a desktop computer, installing and interchanging a graphics… Read more →

computer repairs in townville

System Restore Your Computer

What is System Restore If you are having problems with your computer causing instability, the ability to start or use your computer properly or your computers just running generally slow; System Restore might be a good option for you to use. System Restore is a feature built in to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems which basically takes a snapshot of the… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

I can, but should I upgrade my Operating System?

When a new Operating System comes out, everyone is quick to think it must be the best because it is the latest and greatest. Most times after a little use people end up realising it wasn’t a whole lot different than the old. New operating systems like Windows 10 will always have if not completely new, some different features. Of… Read more →

Computer Not Starting After Update

Updates are suppose to make everything work better on your computer or laptop and most of the time they do. But sometimes it just doesn’t go all to plan. It can be be quite scary for a technological point of view when your computer asks to to an update or upgrade. There are so many programs on your computer. Do… Read more →

Apple Mac Imac Macbook repairs

Apple Mac Wont Upgrade OSX

Computer operating systems are very complicated and technical pieces of software. Unlike most computer software and apps which sit on top and get installed within your operating like Windows, OSX and Linux; Operating systems are responsible for being part of the computer which allows you talk to the physical hardware and components of your computer. I like to think of… Read more →

computer cmos bios

Dell Bios Updates – May 2017

There has recently been a flood of reports on all the forums and many news websites regarding Dell Bios Updates which a stopping a lot of computers booting up properly. Townsville Nerds recommend any of our customers who currently have a Dell laptop of desktop computer, wait a few weeks before updating your BIOS (Basic Input Output System) until Dell… Read more →

Apple Mac Imac Macbook repairs

Speeding Up Your Mac Computer

Apple Mac computers and laptops are more expressive compared to a lot of other computers. A lot of people argue you are just paying for the name, but you are getting a very good computer. Not only do Apple computer use their own custom Operating Systems and drivers specifically made for their computers, they also develop a lot of their… Read more →


No Signal No Display

A common problem with computer, specially desktop computers is hearing the computer boot up bot not seeing anything on the screen. It’s easy to think the computer is still working when you don’t hear anything on the screen but you can still hear it ticking over, but that is usually not the case. Just because the computer has electricity running through… Read more →

Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

Things to think about before installing Windows 10 – Part 2

Forced updates causing crashes With Windows computers 1 shoe does not fit all. But with Windows updates thats what you sometimes get and not being able to change what updates you want to receive can cause problems and conflicts between drivers and programs. A bad update that causes a conflict, specially regarding drivers can cause your computer to stop booting… Read more →

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