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Best Apple Mac Tools – Part 1

You have just bought you new Apple Mac computer and the first thing we get asked is, what should I put on it.

My answer either makes people very happy, or quite sad. The answer is, “probably the exact same stuff as you would put on a Windows or Linux computer”.

The fact of the matter is, most of the main applications people use now are cross platform, which means they work or provide versions of their software and apps for all different kinds of computers, laptops, brands, operating systems, phones and tablets.

This article will explore both mainstream apps most people use and want to use on their Apple Mac computer, as well as applications on available or first made for Macs, Macbooks, Macbook Pros and Imacs etc.

Apple mac computer repairs in Townsville


Mac OSX Operating Systems

The Mac OSX operating system is one of the best and most secure operating systems on the market. The great thing about OSX is if you buy a Mac computer, all the operating systems which follow are usually free.

The bad thing about the OSX operating systems is once you use them, its hard to go back to a different type of computer like Linux or Windows 10.

Unlike Windows operating system which are made for millions of different types of computers, OSX is actually made for the Mac computer you are using, so it works with very few problems and works very well.

If you also have an Iphone and Ipad, the IOS operating systems on those devices are made to exist and integrate with your Apple computer as well, to seamlessly share information and sync between multiple devices, which it does a very good job at.

The current version is Sierra (10.12.4) which came out in late 2016.



Quicksilver is a Graphical Shell for Mac computers which allows people to quickly perform tacks such as launching applications, create and altering files, send emails and anything else you need to get quickly done on your Imac or Macbook computer.

Quicksilver is essentially a launcher which can be rapidly deployed with a key combination to bring up a prompt to await your next command.

Once you start using Quicksilver you will wonder how you ever did without it and there have already been clones made to work on other desktop environments, but none have quite done it like Quicksilver. After a while you will notice you use the mouse a lot less but this makes computer use much faster and this type of application is classed as productivity.



Airmail is my favourite eMail client for any operating system.

Its really sleek looking and very intuitive. A lot of eMail clients never quite stacked up tot the maintream Microsoft Outlook, but I really think Airmail hit it out of the park.

Airmail is extremely fast, packed with features and just looks awesome. It separates all your email accounts very nicely and its so easy to navigate without looking too basic.

Currently Airmail is at version 3.0 and costs about $12 depending on the Australian dollar.



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