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Best Computer of 2015

Everyday someone asks me what is a good computer to buy. For the most part it is hard to answer, with a lot of the components underneath the hood being bought from only a handful of company’s and only a hand full of Operating systems like OsX, Windows and Linux.

Most people, myself included, if it wasn’t for the branding on the side of the computer or laptop, would not be able to tell the computer they are using, where it is from or how much it costs.

Saying that, every year there are standout computers which perform better than others and this years standout and voted best computer for 2015 is the Dell XPS 13.

In an era of high end desktops and small netbooks and tablets, the humble laptop which is said to be on the way out (I don’t think so) has performed better than the rest.


The XPS 13

Weighing it at just 1.226 kgs the Dell XPS 13 brings together high end performance computing, with sleek design at a reasonable price.

It comes with a fast SSD (Solid State Drive) of 256 GB storage space and 8GB of memory.

The graphics card is a Core 300 MHz Intel HD Graphics 520 adapter which will play a lot of games with a 13.3 inch screen which is the sweet spot of not being to big or too small.

The processor we used was a Intel Care i5-6200U 2.3 GHz.


XPS Computer


 The Review

The Dell XPS 13 is not really a gaming machine but using it was easy to see it had great graphics which most users will enjoy and was beautiful to watch movies on.

All thought it is not a big computer it felt like it had big power combined with light weight and sturdiness the Dell XPS 13 was easy to carry around and booted up quite quickly.

I used the laptop every second hour during the day and from the time I started at 8am until the time i finished at 6pm it was evident the 9 hour battery would last all of my working day without having to be charged.

I don’t think this will be the go to computer for people who want extreme power and graphics but for most people, the average user, business person or even people who demand a bit form their computer, for the price the Dell XPS 13 is probably our choice for best computer of 2015 also.

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