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Best Linux Tools – Part 2

This post is a continuation of my recent post, Best Linux Tools – Part 1

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For all Windows users out there who just have to have one of their Windows applications running on Linux all is not lost.

Wine is a Linux program you run on your Linux computer which executes Windows programs.

It all sounds a bit confusing, but in a nut shell, Wine allows you to run some (a lot) of Windows programs with Linux.

They don’t always run perfect, but more times than not they work.

Virtual Box

Virtual box also runs on Windows and Mac, but does a particularly good job on Linux.

For whatever reason you would like to run another operating system with in Linux, such as Windows or Mac’s OSX, Virtual Box will allow you to do so.

Once installed, you install your guest operating system within Virtual box and your native operating system applications within that guest operating system.

Your Linux resources can be passed to your guest operating system such as memory, CPU and network access.


Command Line


Now you are using Linux, you will notice you are making use of that command line, which looks a lot like the one in Windows.

Don’t be afraid of the command line. As well as looking super smart using it in front of people, it is really powerful and the more you get use to using it, you will notice it is a lot easier than having to click on everything (first world problems).

Terminator is a command line emulator packed with features to make your command line processing even faster and easier to use.


VPN -Virtual Private Network

PIA – Private Internet Access

PIA is a great way to keep your internet traffic protected.

Whether you are doing internet banking in an internet cafe, or in a another country and want to keep people from seeing what you are doing, having a VPN client like PIA is good security practice.

Although PIA is a paid service (about $5/month) it is well worth the money.

Installing PIA on Linux is quote easy, but can be a little tricky if you have encrypted home folders, or an encrypted drive. If that is the case, here is a good tutorial to help you.


Office Suite


Libre is an awesome free office suite for your Linux computer.

As an alternative to Microsoft Office and Open Office, Libre is a fully functional, feature packed, office suite which can do things like Power Point and Word.

Libre most likely comes with which ever distribution of Linux you installed, but if not you can download it here.

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