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Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac

A lot of Apple Mac users will tell you they don’t need Antivirus programs on their computers and laptops because Mac computers don’t get viruses. This simply isn’t true and even Apple denied Macs get viruses until recently.

Apple operating systems are designed on a very old stable system called Unix. Unix is incredibly versatile and secure, but not impenetrable. There are also not as many Apple computers out there as there are PC’s (Windows Computers) and therefor not as many viruses designed to attck the smaller market.

So now we know Apple computers do indeed get viruses what can we do about it?

Well for starters don’t worry. After 15 years of using Mac computers I have never actualy had a virus on any of my systems; and my systems get a working out.

I have used the odd antivirus program over the years but many of them just seem to slow my Apple systems down to much and the payoff just didn’t warrant keeping it running on my system.

What I prefer to do is run a scan every now and again, rather than a full time Antivirus program, slowing down my daily use of a computer.

Bitdefender Townsville Computer Repairs Man


Bitdefender Virus Scanner

Bitdefender is a Antivirus Security powerhouse in the PC Windows market and now provides a scanner. Once you install the software it will search your hard drive and operating system files and identify and quarantine any harmful files and infections.

I ran a couple of Antivirus and Scanning tools on a system I new was infected on the 18th July 2016 and Bitdefender was the only which found and quarantined the files.

One of the bad files was not even running on the computer but just sitting within a directory of a setup file and it found it within minutes and removed it.


Bitdefender Pros

The Bitdefender Scan was not only the best scan I found to find viruses on our Mac, it was also the quickest.

The test computer did has a solid state hard drive and i5 processor but within a couple of minutes it had finished and quarantine most of the viruses.


Bitdefender Cons

For a scanner Bitdefender Virus Scan for Mac is quite large, about 120MB. For people with faster internet this wont be a problem but for some it could chew into their data allowance if they are using it over the cellular network.

And although I found it was great at scanning and identifying viruses on the trial computer, there was one on there it could neither remove nor quarantine.

But consider all the other Mac Antivirus scanner didn’t pick up anything I think it isdefinately one of the better ones.

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