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Can You Get Data Off My Hard Drive – Data Recovery Townsville

Places to recover data in Townsville

How HDD (Hard Disk Drives Work)

There are new types of technology and computer hard drives coming out all the time. But for the longest time most and still as of 2018 most are still the old hard disk drive.

The way they work is basically like an old record player. There is an arm, head and platters, which spin around and the arm on like an old record player reads the information as the disk spins around.

These disks and components are very delicate which also generate a lot of heat.

The more moving parts anything has the more things can go wrong and sometimes even the slightest bump, a dropped drive or computer or even hitting the keyboard to hard can be catastrophic to the drive and you will need data recovery Townsville.


HDD Vs SSD (Sold State Drive)

Solid State Drives are the new and much better, faster and resilient type of hard drive.

Solid State Drives have no moving parts and and your information is stored on in Microchips. This makes Solid State Drives much faster and reliable.

Because of this a lot of Solid State drives will come with up to 5 years warranty standard, as apposed to the normal hard disk drive which usually comes with just 1 year.


Common Hard Disk Drive Problems



Not to be confused with RAW data, which is data which has basically not been refined yet.

When your hard drive is recognised as RAW it means that the computer of device reading the drive can not see that it has a file system.

The file system is the way the drive organises the data, like a set of rules.

This does not mean your data can not be recovered.

Hard drives can turn RAW for all sorts of reasons, but a surprising one we see time and time again, is power related.

Such as computer getting a surge of power or being turned off abruptly like loosing power and not following the proper computer shut down process or hard drive removal steps.

Townsville computer repairs Nerds can help you recover your data from RAW in Townsville.



The main couple of reasons a computer hard drive becomes corrupt are, virus, hardware failure or poorly written software.

Virus – can do everything from spy on you destroying all your data. Viruses can also force your computer to do things which actually ruin your hard drive physically.

Hardware Failure – When your hard drive physically just dies. It can do this from age, power surge or just made faulty.

Software – The very software you pay to use or buy can also corrupt your data. Not on purpose, but software with errors in it, or conflicts with other software packages can corrupt your data.

Depending on how bad the data is corrupt, it can be very hard to recover. Sometimes it is a bit like unscrambling an egg.


-Clicking (Beeping)

Clicking is one of the worst things which can happen to your hard drive.

It can indicate the head has been damaged if this is the case it is definitely best to cease using the drive immediately.

This is often referred to as the COD (Click of Death).

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