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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Tech Support

hard drive townsville data in north queensland and townsville recovery

Data Recovery Hard Drive Recovery Townsville

There are many different types of media which can store your precious data (photos, music, movies documents and work files). Media is usually referred to when talking about stored files, as the thing which is holding your data or storing it such as external hard drive, computer hard drive, usb thumb drive or CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disk Living in… Read more →

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Why Your Website Doesn’t Rank in Google

If you have a business or a website, you have probably been contacted a million times before over the phone or spammed in your email of ways to make your website run better or rank higher in Google. There are a many ways to do this, but none of them guaranteed to rank you better – even though people will… Read more →

where can i get data recovery done in townsville

Recovering Data from Ransomware

What is Ransomeware Ransomeware is a new type of malicious software the last few years which does infect your computer but rather than trying to destroy your system so you can use it, spy on you to get details or just be a menace, Ransomware focussing on holding your files hostage until you pay them. The big problem with this… Read more →

Help recovering data in Townsville

Can You Get Data Off My Hard Drive – Data Recovery Townsville

How HDD (Hard Disk Drives Work) There are new types of technology and computer hard drives coming out all the time. But for the longest time most and still as of 2018 most are still the old hard disk drive. The way they work is basically like an old record player. There is an arm, head and platters, which spin… Read more →

Why Your Website Needs HTTPS

Looking around the internet and coming across a lot of websites here in Townsville, its quite easy to notice that a lot of websites are still using the unprotected http over https.   HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and is the way in which data is sent over the internet and between your web browser and website. This… Read more →

Web Browser Alterntaives

Awesome Browser Extensions

What are Browser Extensions Your web browser is the program and application you use on your computer like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer to surf the internet and read websites such as this one. The programs come with heaps of functionality to do the things most developers think you want to do. Google Chrome for instance incorporates its… Read more →

Different Types Of Hard Drive Formats

Formats can mean a lot of different things, in a lot of different industries. Even within the realms of computers, it can have a whole bunch of different meanings depending on what its pertaining to. So before we get into it, I want to address this post is about hard drive formats, including USB, external, Sold State Drives and thumb… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs

This Weeks Questions and Answers – 13-04-18

Do I need to use Microsoft Office? No, you do not need to use Microsoft Office exclusively. For a long time if you wanted to type up a document or make a graph there were few options besides word and excel. After a while other Office type applications starting popping up but the problem was, if you made a document… Read more →

computer virus townsville

PUP Potentially Unwanted Programs

There are a lot of computer threats out there these days and lots of ways criminals can hurt you, destroy your data or spy on what you are doing. Some of them just advertise you and are more of a nuisance than a real threat and others can cause real damage and full loss of both physical components and software,… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

I can, but should I upgrade my Operating System?

When a new Operating System comes out, everyone is quick to think it must be the best because it is the latest and greatest. Most times after a little use people end up realising it wasn’t a whole lot different than the old. New operating systems like Windows 10 will always have if not completely new, some different features. Of… Read more →

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