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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Computer Turned Off When Using

It can be pretty scary. You are sitting there using your computer when all of the sudden the whole thing turns off and doesn’t turn back on.

Everything you have is saved on the computer, you have probably lost what you were in the middle of what you are doing and you don’t backup.

Don’t panic, Townsville Nerds can help.

Townsville computer man nerds geeks repairs

Hardware Problems

Physical hardware problems are the number one reasons for your computer to stop while you are using it.

Motherboards fail the most, followed by hard drives. And although motherboards can be expensive to replace and time consuming, it is a lot better than having a hard drive die.

You hard drive is where all you data is stored.

If it is your motherboard, it is better to not turn your computer on or even have it plugged in.

Your motherboard connects directly to your hard drive and if your computer has any power damage it could surge and ruin your hard drive with your data as well.

Memory Leak

This is when a program on your computer accesses and releases memory incorrectly and often results on your computer restarting.

When this happens it’s usually no big deal for the computer and after it restarts there is usually no problem witht he operating of the computer.

As for the software; thats why it’s always a good idea to keep it updated.

Bad Software

Poorly made and written software can turn your computer and generally affect a lot of other things including making your computer run really slow.

Not exactly the same, but having incompatible software which not only conflicts with your system, but conflicts and effects other software packages can make your computer turn off.

Malicious Software and Viruses

If you have been on my site before this should come as no surprise. I talk about viruses or malicious software such as spyware, adware and ransomware are lot because it affects so many systems.

A big problem we are starting to see a lot more of now are PUP’s (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

A lot of these PUP’s are not viruses but are linked in with other packages online which can harm or make your system run slow and cause computers to turn off.

Backup Backup Backup

I can’t stress this enough. It’s like insurance; no one wants it, but your so glad when you need it.

You have to treat backing up exactly the same. Specially if you have lots of important information on your computer or laptop such as documents, work information, photos, videos and MYOB etc.

Most of the time when your computer shuts down unexpectedly, we can resurrect it. But in those cases when we cant, you need that back up!


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