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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Consider Using FreeBSD For Home Server

Why do I need a home server

Servers are no longer reserved for the business, colleges and organisation.

There are a million reasons why you could want a personal home server for you house. Whether you just want to share media files over the network to other computers to share photos and movies, or if its just to back up files and control your internet, having a home server is just about free and inexpensive.

If you have an old computer or laptop, it doesn’t even need to be powerful, by downloading some free server software like the Linux, Windows, Unix or FreeBSD operating system, you too can have you very own network server,

Townsville laptop freebsd man

What is FreeBSD

FreeBSD is based on the Unix operating system which is probably the most (at least in the past) used network operating system on the planet.

It’s not feasible for most people or even businesses to have their own Unix server, but FreeBSD is free and not to hard to setup.

It can run on most computers, and does not require a lot of resources, at least for home use.

When big businesses with millions of customers want to maintain their very large user base accounting and billing systems, they choose FreeBSD, even over Linux.


Why Choose FreeBSD

FreeBSD is the the worlds most reliable, most secure operating system. This, pared with the fact that it is free and does not need to be installed on a fast, expensive computer makes it the perfect choice for interent and intranet based servers.

FreeBSD can be used as a router. PFsense, one of the best interent operating systems which give users the powerful features of expensive commercial grade routers, for free, is built on FreeBSD.

Every other operating system are behind and copying FreeBSD. Free BSD is cutting edge, and includes advanced network and security features for the past 40 years, which most operating systems still do not have today.

Reliable – If you want a server which just works constantly that you don’t want to ever go down, FreeBSD is the choice for you.

A lot is said about Linux being secure and reliable which is true to the most part, but Linux is really in its infancy stage compared to Unix and FreeBSD.


Cons of FreeBSD

I don’t think FreeBSD will be for everyone. It will definitely help if you have backgrounds or interests in Linux and like learning new technological thing, specifically how things work.

It is not a click and install type operating system (like Microsoft Windows and Apple OSX_ and you will have to learn how it works to do things.

There will be a strict learning curve, but with tonnes of free information and such a large support of people working with FreeBSD there will always be readily available information on the internet to do everything you will ever need on a network based server like FreeBSD.



If you don’t want to dedicate a whole computer to trying FreeBSD or any other operating system, you can always install a virtualisation program like VirtuaBox (free) and try it out on your existing computer.

This will allow you to run FreeBSD with the Virtual compartment, from with your current operating system and computer session.

Just like any other program on your computer.

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