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Recovering Data Off Laptop With Broken Screen

Just because you have a broken screen or your computer is not turning on, doesn’t mean you have to loose all your precious data such as emails, word documents, PDF’s, photos, music and movies.

A lot of the time it is simply not worth repairing your computer. If the costs are too high to repair your computer, we let you know. And just because your computer does’t warrant the expense of a repair, there is still a chance we can recover all your data.

Townsville broken screen data recovery

It Really Depends On How Your Screen Was Broken

If your screen was hit, and not even hit very hard it can easily be damaged. This sort of damage though usually does not ruin your hard drive where all your data and files are stored.

If your computer suffers from something else though, like a fall from a high area, or someone stands on or punches the screen, it can also damage the hard drive and you could loose all your data.

Townsville Nerds offer a 100% free no obligation quote. We can look at your computer, hard drive and screen totally free. Then if we can repair or not, will quote you which you are not under any obligation to accept. If you don’t, the diagnosis is still free.

Your Screen Just Stops Working

This usually suggests a problem with your motherboard or graphics card.

If it is only the graphics card, all be it part of the motherboard, it usually does not result in any damage to your hard drive.

Sometimes though, if it is your motherboard and it has suffered or even itself caused a surge, it may also leak that power into your hard drive and damage your hard drive and data that way.

If this has happened we strongly advise you do not turn your computer on. Leave it unplugged or turn it off to minimise the amount of damage and data loss of the hard disk drive.

Your Screen Might Not Be Broken

There are plenty of reasons your computer screen might appear to be broken.

Anything from bad motherboards, power issues or even computer viruses can make it look like you have a computer screen issue. It’s not always the case and it can sometimes be very difficult to diagnose.

You do not need to jump to the conclusion you have a broken screen, even if you see lines running all over the place on your screen.

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