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Do I Have a RAM Problem

What is RAM

RAM stands for Random Access Memory and is often confused with he storage in your system such as the hard drive.

Although they both handle data they are significantly different in what the do and how they do it.

A way to look at it is Hard Drives are used to store informati

Memory Ram Townsville computer freezing

on such as your files, programs and operating system. But hard drives are slow and you don’t use all that information at once.

So when you need to use your operating system or programs and files, your computer will load them temporarily into the RAM which is much faster to work with.

When your computer turns off, all the data temporarily stored in the RAM is released and clear ready for new data when needed.

RAM is essential for your computer to operate. It is just as important as your hard drive, cpu or motherboard. Right now the latest standard of RAM is called DDR4 and you must use the type of RAM your motherboard was designed for.


Computer Slowing Down After Boot Up

A good sign your computer has a RAM problem is use throughout the day.

It might seem fine and working great when you first turn your computer on, but after some use everything becomes a lot slower.

Even basic things like using a Word document or visiting a website can be slow you will need to restart the computer to get it back to make it usable again, only to have to repeat the whole process again.


Computer Freezes

This is a very generic thing to happen for a lot of different reasons but RAM problems are usually one of them.

If you are using your computer an it randomly freezes or restarts you might have a RAM problem. This is also true when you close and open new applications.

If you are opening and closing something, the data or processors are being loaded into or released from the RAM which if there is a problem will certainly.

As the RAM does not store anything permanently you will most likely loose whatever you were working on, or only be able to go back to your last save when it wrote changes to the hard drive.


Failure to Install New Applications

If you have just bought a new program or downloaded one from the internet and are unable to install it, it could also be a good indicator you have RAM problems.

Its always good to make sure the source of your download is legitimate.

If it is and you are sure the installer is fine (you can always test on another computer) but it doesn’t work on your, it very well could be because of the RAM.


What Causes RAM to Fail

RAM can cause due to a large array of things.

Heat plays a major factor in the failure of a lot of computer hardware in Townsville.

But other factors like plain old ware and tare, faulty hardware which has degraded over time and gotten worse, power surges, liquid spillages and static electricity can all cause problems with computer hardware and memory.



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