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Fruitfly Apple Mac Virus

Apple mac computer repairs in Townsville

Apple Computers Do Get Viruses

The common belief is Apple Mac computer do not get viruses. Yes, Apple Macs are built on top of a foundation which viruses find it hard to infect, but the truth is Apple computers desktops and Macbook’s do in fact get viruses as well.

There is a much smaller market share for Apple computers so you hear a lot less about Viruses on Apple Macbooks and Imacs than Microsoft Windows computers top which there are a lot more out there.

I can only assume because there are more Windows computers out there, criminals make more viruses for Windows computers to cast there net much wider.


Fruitfly 1 Virus

Only just recently a viruses has been discovered for Apple computers called Fruitfly.

What makes Fruitfly particularly unusual is it has been around for about 5 years and yet oinly discovered this year.

Apple were quick to jump on it and quickly patched it up earlier in the year as Fruitfly was able to infect computers and take control of Apple computers and even control their screen, mouse and keyboard.


Fruitfly 2 Virus

More disturbing is only a few months later an Ex-hacker from NASA named Patrick Wardle has discovered an even older version of this virus dating ten years back, still floating around the internet controlling Apple computers.

The good news is there is not a lot of these Fruitfly viruses out there which means the computers infected where probably specifically targeted. Meaning unless you think you have a particular reason for someone to target you, maybe your a business, or an institution, you might be ok at this point in time.

More biomedical computers have been targeted than any other type of computer which might mean it is part of some espionage group, although no one has taken responsibility for it.

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