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Getting Your Computer to Run Like New

computer repairs in townsville by geeks

Only Open the Apps You Are Using

I know it sounds simplistic and obvious, but your operating system and other programs on your computer are using so many recourses these days, more and more with every update, more and more people are complaining of slow computers.

There are a few things you can do about this like closing programs down properly when you are finished with them and only using what you need to.

Also, your computer might want to start programs automatically in the background with the expectation you will be using those apps sooner than later.

You can go into each individual app settings and tell that particular program not to start on computer start up.


Restore Points

Rather than completely reset your computer, or wiping it and setting it back to like the day you go it, you might just be able to restore back to a date when your computer was running well.

If your computer was doing what is is suppose to it will have been taking snapshots in time of your system.

If you can recall you system was running better at a particular time you can can to system restore and look for a restore point around that time.

None of your data will be touched in this restoration process but system files, operating system files and any programs you have installed between now and then will be removed.

Make sure you check, double check and backup before doing a system restore.


Operating System Updates

The latest operating system and most widely used right now Windows 10 doesn’t give you a lot of options when updates are going to happen.

You might notice your interent running slow of computer temporarily before your computers updates as it is downloading them.

Other operating systems like Apple OSX and Linux will give you options and more choices but generally speaking it is a good idea to keep your system up to dates.

Its good to check also if your Windows 10 operating system is updating. If it is not it is probably a good indicator that there is something wrong with your system, such as virus related, corruption, failing hardware etc.




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