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Goodbye 1Password, Hello LastPass

Most people who know me, or read my posts will tell you I have been a long time endorser of the paid password manager, 1Password.

Password managers are computer programs that do just that. Most of us have 100’s of passwords now,pretty much for every site we have visited.

Every site has different rules about how long our passwords should be and what they should have in them, we end up with many different passwords for many different sites. For the recording using different passwords is good!


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Why you need a password manager

But its very hard to remember all these passwords. That’s where password managers come in and remember all these different passwords for us and help us use them when we need them.

My primary go to computer is a Macbook, but I had some problems with it the other day forcing me to use another favourite of mine, Ubuntu Linux.

The problem is, 1Password does not have a Linux version and I was forced to improvise, and I glad I did.


Why I like LastPass

To begin with it is free; 1Password is not. So we are already on the right track but it doesn’t end there.

We all have more than one device, whether is a computer a phone, or a laptop and a tablet.Then for each of these different devices there are different versions like Windows, Mac, Linux, Iphone, Android, Ipad etc.

For an app to be really useful and to be truly portable it must work on all devices, 1Password didn’t on Linux; LastPass did.

It works on my Apple and Windows computer, my Andorid and Iphone phones and my Ubuntu Linux laptop which I now use more than my Apple Macbook.

Its very light weight, has a small footprint,is super fast and has a plugin for all browsers.


Pros and Cons

Unlike 1password which is an Offline Password Manager, Lastpass is purely online.You need internet to access and make it useful.

The benefits off all this is your passwords are accessible on any device in real time,but you must be online.

Lasspass holds all your passwords for you which is protected by of course a password, so you better trust them.

Whereas 1Password was shared between your devices by being stored in a online cloud drive like Dropbox. An argument could be made here also, do you trust Dropbox.

If you would like to use Lastpass you can sign up for a free account and download it here.


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