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Helpful Netflix

Although Townsville Nerds is primarily a computer repair business and website, every now and again I come across something from my customers which I think is a great idea and I would like to share.

If you don’t already have Netflix you should seriously think about getting it.

Netflix is basically a website or app depending on how you are using it, packed with 1000’s of movies you can watch over the internet anytime. There is know schedule of when you can watch, simply click the video you want and watch.

Netflix help Townsville

The great thing about Netflix is its innovative interface. Not only does it do a great job of displaying what you are watching, where you are up to and rated them accordingly, it is also very good and displaying what you might want to watch depending on what you have already selected.

This feature is brilliant, you never have to search for the type of movies you like right?


But what if your mood changes?

So you have spent a whole week binge watching the last 5 years of your favourite drama and after finished watching all that decide you want some action!

But you profile is cluttered with dramas. Netflix is doing its job right but its time for some Arnie.

What you can do to avoid this is create different profiles on your Netflix account. Netflix allows you to create 5 different profiles which I originally setup for each member of my family to use.

Each profile is tailored to each user and display suggestions based on the types of movie each family member watches.

So instead of making each profile for each family member, why not create profiles based on moods. You could create one called action for when you want to watch action movies and be suggested for action only and you can create other based on moods also like comedy, drama, foreign etc!


Setting up Netflix

Sometimes setting up Netflix can be a little bit of messing around. It really depends if you are trying to watch it on the apps built into your television, laptop, media device or tablet.

If you would like to get into the world of limitless movies streamed over the internet call Townsville Nerds today on 0402 807 890.

Note: if you planning on watching Netflix it does consume a lot of your internet data. Make sure you have a sufficient amount and it is not a good idea to use it over your 4g connection.

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