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High Sierra Secrets Part 1

Apple Mac Repairs TownsvilleHigh Sierra is he latest Apple Mac Operating system from Apple. OSX can be downloaded free from the Apple Appstore for all eligible Mac computers such as Imac, Macbook, Macbook Pro and Macbook Airs.

Apple are very proactive in their operating system releases and seem to come out with them frequently. Most of the time these releases work very well.

With so many features and so many releases of the OSX system, we sometimes miss out on a lot of the features which are quite useful, a lot of stuff we simply don’t hear about.

Below describes some rich features from High Sierra all Mac users should now.

Better Search for Emails and Friends in Photos

The new search powered by spotlight takes advantage of Apples existing operating system search features and is able to locate the emails you are looking for faster.

It does this by constantly analysing how you interact with your emails and what you access to come up with better search results.

Not related but similar in search results is the new facial recognition software built into the photos app to help you find your friends and identify them in your photographs.

Universal Clipboard Between Macs

If you have two Macs both running High Sierra, its it now easier than ever to copy between them.

The only catch is both your Macs with High Sierra on them must be using the exact same iCloud account.

This is like copying data between OSX accounts.

Sharing Icloud Items

This is a feature which has been around forever in Dropbox and Google Drive, but a lot of Mac people have been waiting for this forever.

Im guessing a lot of Dropbox people might move over now to Icloud.

With Icloud is High Sierra you can now choose the files you want to share and email the links to the people you want to share them.

They will click on it and be able to seer those files.

Search Flights in Spotlight

If you are catching a flight or just meeting with someone you can type your flight details right into spotlight and it will give you the information regarding it.

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