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How to Create and ISO Image

What is an ISO Image

If you had a camera which could take a photo of a set of data in its current state and stored it, it would store it as a ISO Image.

Not a whole lot different than an image taken by a camera, an iso image can have a lot of data stored inside of it, but all be one file, to be burnt, stored or transferred nice and easily.

An example of an ISO image file is; just say I want to copy a cd and send you the cd burn, so you can burn it when you have time later.

It would take forever to send you the files individually and then you would need to rearrange them and format a CD to burn it to resemble the . way it was originally.

Or, I could make an image of the whole CD (a snap shot) of the whole CD, in one file, and then send you the one file.

You wouldn’t need to do anything but click on the ISO image you receive from me and burn it. Nice and simple.


Creating and ISO Image

Creating an ISO image is easy.

Download and install ISO Creator

Step 1. Insert the CD/DVD you would like to make a copy of.

It does not have to be just music. A lot of music and videos will have protection on them. Making an image can be good for backing up your software as well, or even a CD you have created yourself with files, archives and your own images.

Step 2. Insert your CD into a CD-ROM Drive.

Step 3. Right click on the CD and select ISCO Creator.

Step 4. Hit Start


The Software you will need to BURN and ISO Image to USB

If you would like to create an ISO image there are lots of different software available to do so.

Townsville Nerds love great free stuff for our customers and even though there are lots of [paid options to creating an ISO image; the best is still free, a program called Rufus.

Download Rufus ISO Creator from here.


Townsville computer repair geeks burning iso


Burning an ISO Image to USB with Rufus

Step 1. insert your blank USB into a USB port. – It does not need to be empty, but everything on the USB will get wiped, so make sure it has nothing you want on there.

Step 2. Click on Select and find your ISO you want to burn to USB

Step 3. Hit Start.

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