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New Computer Running Slow

You’ve just bought a new computer, with the latest processor, heaps of memory and a fast hard drive. It should be running super fast, but it still takes a while to start up, login and get to what your doing. Your left wondering why.

Well the chances are you didn’t buy a dud. In fact, even a 3 years old computer can appear to run as fast as a new one under the right circumstances.

If your brand new computer or laptop is running slow, it is probably because of one in these three reasons.


bloatware slow computer


Manufacture Stuffed it with Bloatware

When you buy your computer from a known computer company such as Dell, IBM, Lenovo, HP for etc, they make very little money on the computer after it has passed hands a few times from manufacture, to supplier and the store selling it.

Computer price margins are very small and they have to sell a lot of them to make it worth their while.

Another thing big computers companies do is load their computer with Bloatware.
Bloatware is software usually installed on computer before you buy it from third party software company’s like antivirus and online backup applications.

They look good on your computer and they even offer you a free trail for a month etc, before you have to start paying to use them.

Sometimes there is so much bloatware on these brand new computers and laptop is slows them do on startup and it takes the computer a long time to start working properly, the computer becomes bloated with it and hence the name.


Windows Updates

Your computer or laptop has been sitting in a box in some warehouse in China for the past year and in the mean time Microsoft Windows and your manufacturer has updated a lot of the software your computer has been unable to because it hasn’t been online.

When you first connect your brand new computer to the internet and all of sudden it has a year pof updates to get through and start doing so, making your internet connection work over time as well as your computer hardware.


Bad Install

Before you computer makes it way to you it undergoes software and hardware installation.

Much of this process is automated and sometimes goes a stray. The hardware usually doesn’t fail off the assembly line as much as the software installation of operating system, bloatware files and drives etc.

The good thing to note is if your computer software install failed on installation it usually isn’t that hard to reinstall it again unless the recovery partition was damaged of imaged wrong.



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