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No network connection – Part 1

 One of the most annoying things when using your computer is no network connection. For most people, especially home users there would probably no need to use a computer or have one if you had no internet.

Loosing your Internet connection or LAN (Local Area Network) connection can happen for a lot of reasons and most of them really depend on the type of connection you have.

Although connecting to the internet is quite easy these days, there are many ways to do it you might not be aware of.

For the majority of people internet connections are using established either by wireless carriers services like Optus 4G, home fixed line connections like ADSL or ADSL2 or fiber connections such as the NBN (National Broadband Network).

To further complicate things you can access the NBN via satellite and you can use your home ADSL and NBN connection from a router in your home over a wireless network connection to your computer.

Confused yet? Rather than mix up all these terminologies and describe what problems effect what type of connections I might just explain what could be causing some of the outages.

Townsville computer repairs man

Common Connection Problems

Some of them are out of your control and happen at your Internet service provider level and the pits in the street, but a lot can happen in your home or business, on your computer or on the settings in your router.


Ok, lets get this one out the way before we get all technical. The World Wide Web is exactly that, world wide. I think it should actually stand for Wild Wild West because it is that also.

The Internet is like any other place in the world, where you will find people who are friends, people who will help you and people who will hurt you.

If someone knocked on your door and said the prince of somewhere is offering you $100 000 000 you would slam the door in his face or throw him out. The same should be on the Internet but for a lot of people it is not.

Many of us let our guards down on the Internet and accept things we wouldn’t in real life.

People who are trying to manipulate you in someway, usually to make money of you, use this to their advantage and send you viruses in hope to take control of your computer and spy on you.

A lot of the time when you go to a website and it takes you somewhere else or things pop up on your screen you may have a virus, adware or spyware on your computer.

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