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Power Settings Slowing Windows 10

Windows 10 running slow townsville computer repair man

Windows 10 is notorious slow. You only have to mention Windows 10 to anyone and the first thing they will tell you is since they have upgraded from Windows 8 or Windows 7, their computer has been running very slow.

Modern, faster better computers with Solid State Hard Drives do run much better with Windows 10 on them.

But even the better computers can sometimes still fill bogged down with Windows 10. There are a lot of things you can do to make Windows 10 run faster.

Most of them aren’t actually making Windows 10 run faster, but more like telling your computer to do less, so it can concentrate on allowing Windows to do more, allocating resources like hard drive usage and memory resources to the OS (Operating System).

One of the things you can do to make Windows 10 run faster is:


Change You Power Settings

You might not think the power setting of your computer and in your operating system has nothing to do with the performance and speed of your computer, but it actually does.

If you are using the “Power Saver” plan you r computer is probably running slower, and changing it can instantly make your computer run faster.

You are much better of changing those settings from “Power Saver” to “High Performance” to really get the benefit of speed out of your computer by maximising it’s use.

To do this, go to Control Panel and Select Power Options.

Once in Power Options, click on the down arrow and select, “Additional Plans” and choose “High Performance”.


What Does High Performance Power Plan Do?

Max CPU Frequency: Depending on your system you might see a much faster and responsive system due to the CPU being used to much more of its potential.

However, the flip side to this is other programs and the system might become unstable so check with your manufacturer and do your research first.

Also, asking more from your system will require more energy which means using more electricity and having higher power bills, all things to consider when using higher power performance settings.

Longevity. It can be argued that CPU’s are made to run constantly and last a long time, longer than you would probably need them. But like everything the longer and more you use them, the harder you push, there is always the argument of being warn out quicker, so keep that in mind also.



Overclocking and pushing your system to the Max is a whole other story.

You should seriously do your research before touching any of the power performance settings if you are overclocking your system which is already probably pushing your system to the max.


Before touching any of the power settings within your computers operating system, motherboard or related to overclocking, speak to a professional.

Computers are very sensitive and we already have a lot of computer issues in Townsville which can hurt your computer such as moisture in the air because of humidity and heat.

Do not do anything before speaking to a professional who knows what they are doing.





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