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RansomWhere Monitors Macs for Ransomware

The old Apple Mac Computer gets left out of a lot of Virus, Malware, Spyware and Ransomware conversations.

Over the years the OSX operating system has become renowned for its security and ability to stay safe against viruses.

This of course was not true. Apple Mac computers are not immune to all of the above but due the seciruty built into them and there are a lot less people using them compared to Windows computers, you are safer using a Mac Computer.

Ransomware removal Townsville computer repairs


What is Ransomware

Ransomware is malicious software developed for the purpose of holding your computer hostage until you pay money to have it released.

For some types of ransomware it can only hold some of your files such as music, vidoes and and pictures.

Other types of ransomware will take possession of your whole computer or infect software and applications like Microsoft Office or emails.

At this current time I am yet to actually meet anyone who has paid the ransome and had their files opened back up top them.


How does Ransomware work

Most people are tricked into actually installing the Ransomware themselves.

We seem to see it on a lot of teenagers computers which indicates it might have something to do with what they are looking at or downloading. I assume games, movies and music etc.

Sometimes the ransomware comes attached to legitimate files you actually might be after and during the install process it is installed at the same time.

I guess there is an infant amount of ways criminals could trick you into install ransomware onto your computer which is only limited by the imagination.

Most antivirus programs do a terrible job of protecting you from ransomware as it has not been their core business all these years and in computers years, ransomware is still relatively new but making big ground.


What is Ransomwhere

Like all things in life, prevention is better than the cure.

Ransomwhere, a play on words, is software developed specifically for Apple Mac computers and to be installed onto a uninfected computer, which monitors for incoming ransomware threats.

Ransomwhere is a free tool and simply watches for untrusted processes on your computer and flags them for you, until you decide if you want them to run or not on your system.

Ransomware usually encrypts your files and stops you from using them. So Ransomwhere looks for this type of behaviour and notifies youi.

Because encrypting files, making them protected and only accessible by you, is part of how computers work and common these days at the user and operating system level, it will cause some false positives.

Hence why Ransomwhere will give you the option to release some processors.

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