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Tag: fast

web designers in townsville

Why Your Website Doesn’t Rank in Google

If you have a business or a website, you have probably been contacted a million times before over the phone or spammed in your email of ways to make your website run better or rank higher in Google. There are a many ways to do this, but none of them guaranteed to rank you better – even though people will… Read more →

computer repairs townsville

I’ve Lost Internet When I Added a New Network Device

Its one thing for someone in the shop to say,  “Just plug it in and it will work’, but its always a different situation when you but a network related device, add it to your internet at home and things just stop working. The main reason behind this is your network at home or business, in most cases are reliant… Read more →

Computer man townsville laptop

What is the Best Computer for Me

We get asked a lot, “what is the best computer for me?” or, “what is the best computer to buy”? This is a very hard question to answer and most of the time our responsive is it is different for everyone. Everyone has not only different needs and expectations, but they are also different and where and how they do… Read more →

different types of computers in townsville

6 Types of Computers

It feels like just about every other week there is some new terminology or new thing you need to understand when it comes to computers. Not only does this device do this and that, a lot of the time I think to myself doesn’t this old laptop do the exact same thing as the new, except with a much lesser… Read more →

data recovery townsville

Different Types of Hard Drives and Data Recovery Townsville

Your hard drive is the part of the computer which stores the information such as the operating system (Windows, Linux or OSX), programs and personal files like photos, music, video and documents. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) usually gets referred to as the brain of the computer because it does the thinking, but the hard drive is just as important… Read more →

How to speed up Windows 10

Make Windows 10 Run Faster

With everybody jumping on Windows 10 because of the free upgrade offered to most people from Windows 8 or 8.1, we are seeing a lot of people asking us how to make their Windows 10 computer faster. Windows 10 is not for everybody. Some people are seeing little to no wifi, other no sound. And a lot of people are… Read more →


Computer Repairs in Townsville

There is nothing more annoying than your computer or internet not working properly. Thats when people start looking for computer repairs in Townsville. Whether it’s for home or business, the result is always the same; frustrated customers! You want your computer working and you want it now. Don’t get caught without your computers working properly. When your computer or network is… Read more →

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