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Tag: Windows

townsville computer repairs nerds ics

Share Your Internet from Windows 10

Most people either have some sort of modem, router or wireless device they use to access the internet these days. Gone are the days we used one connection per computer, or everyone had their own dial up connection. For most people the will definitely be the way to go, but every now and again people find themselves in a situation… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

I can, but should I upgrade my Operating System?

When a new Operating System comes out, everyone is quick to think it must be the best because it is the latest and greatest. Most times after a little use people end up realising it wasn’t a whole lot different than the old. New operating systems like Windows 10 will always have if not completely new, some different features. Of… Read more →

Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

5 Things You Never New Windows 10 Could Do

We all use Windows for a lot of basic things like checking emails, writing documents, research, playing games or just surfing the web.  But there are tonne of other things Windows 10 can do you probably didn’t know about. I know what you are thinking’ it’s going to be totally geeky stuff, only Townsville computer nerds are going to want… Read more →


Will My Mac Hard Drive Work On My Windows Computer

This is a very difficult question because it could related and be answered very differently depending on the situation. Such as are we referring to a Apple Mac hard drive working in a computer as the primary drive, or as an external with files on it. Or can we use a hard drive from a Mac computer and change it… Read more →

Microsoft Paint Townsville Software

Say Goodbye to Microsoft Pain

Just about everyone uses or has used Microsoft Paint at one time or another. The program in itself is not feature rich but a handy utility to quickly make little edits to images when quality is not really an issue. It is light weight, fast, free, comes with Microsoft Windows, and on its way out. Microsoft have recently published a… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

How to Boot into Safe Mode with Windows 10

What is Safe Mode Safe Mode is a way to access your Windows based computer when normal start up doesn’t occur because of faults in the system, due to bad updates, viruses or bad configuration etc. Starting your computer in Safe Mode will hopefully give you limited access to your operating system to run diagnosis and make changes and repairs… Read more →


Windows 10 Not Assigning Drive Letters to External Drives Automatically

With every Windows 10 update there are a lot of improvements. Not just features, but also little bug which annoy people. But for someone reason this little persistent one keeps sticking around. Usually it just works. You plug your external USB or hard drive into your computer and Windows 10 automatically makes it show up in your computer with a… Read more →

townsville computer repairs

Linux Mint

As Linux is becoming more popular, so am I making more posts about it. For anyone who doesn’t know, Linux is an Operating System like Windows (an environment for you applications and programs to live in). Unlike Windows however, Linux is totally free and comes in hundreds of different version made from many different organisations, people and company’s. Linux is… Read more →

computer repairs townsville

What are Network Shares

With every new Operating System becoming easier and easier to do things, network sharing is becoming increasingly more popular. You may have heard the term before and not really understood what it is, and if you have and media devices around your house, you might already be using it and not know it. In its essence network shares are files… Read more →

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