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Tech Traveller Tips

I have been travelling all my life. Ever since I was a kid my family moved and travelled all over the place from Indonesia to Europe. Once you catch the bug you never loose it and you always want to travel.

Sometimes you know your going on a big trip, other times its a spur of the moment thing, but whether or not you have time to prepare, there are always some things you need to do before you start travelling if you plan on taking your technology, computers and phones with you on the road or in the air.

Tech Travel Tips


Back up your Mobile and Laptop

You should already be backing up regularly anyway, but when we travel, things seem to get broken so much easier. I always back up my phone onto my computer before going, then back up my laptop I am taking with me.

Backing up to an external hard drive is the easiest and its always good to keep it somewhere or with someone who you trust in case of an emergency like fire or flood.


Back up your Home Computer

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I cant tell you how many times I have gone away and something has gone wrong with my home computer, even when it wasn’t turned on.

I guess in North Queensland we travel a lot during Christmas when we have time off and it is really hot. This is the wet season also, and when we get one their are usually electrical storms which cam damage devices in our house, even when they are not turned on.

Backup your home computer as well and make sure you backup device is unplugged. A surge can travel through your computer into your external drive and you could loose everything.


Travel Insurance

We all hate the cost of travel insurance, but it is a necessary evil. For years i would accidentally break devices when travelling, I’m just a cluts when I go away.

I got sick of it a while back and started getting travel insurance for my mobile p[hone and laptop.

It usually doeskin cost anything more than the basic coverage anyway, but you must remember to get as many details as possible about the event if it takes place and you break something.

If it is your fault, write down the time and the place and circumstance. If it happens in a plane or taxi, don’t forget ton get their details and lodge a claim if possible.

If one of your devices gets stolen, you must go to the police and get a police report.

Before you leave write down all your serial numbers and take photos of your devices.

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