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Ubuntu Security Patches

The great thing about Linux and my personal flavour Ubuntu, is the security and piece of mind you get with this type of open source operating system.

People ask me all the time, “Is it true, Macs don’t get viruses?”

And the answer is no. Less people use Macs so there are a lot less viruses out there which attack it and the same can be said for Ubuntu, although a Linux computer currently has a lot more security built into it as do Apple computers compared to Windows.

But that doesn’t mean they do not exists and worse, people find vulnerabilities in it and the software you install, which they can use against you.


Computer Vulnerabilities

Any computer on a network is somewhat vulnerable. And any computer where someone can physically sit behind or take apart even more so.

Microsoft and Apple periodically issue security and vulnerability updates, but Linux is a little different. Not own or operated by one single company, and with 100’s of different distributions and editions, receiving updates and making changes to ones security is a lot more self reliant.

Linux is a much more hand on, more experienced type of operating system for people who are really into computers.

So your security is more left up to you.


Linux Commands

There are linux commands such as:

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-gte upgrade

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

… to update your system, but this doesn’t always take into account every 3rd party application your computer has installed.


Ubuntu Website

A great way to stay up to date with all the latest security and precautions with your Ubuntu Linux operating system is to go to the Ubuntu security notices.

Here you can see information about vulnerabilities your system might suffer and you can even subscribe and receive messages as new ones are discovered. Click on link to see.


Ubuntu Vulnerabilities


Ubuntu Software App

Sacrilege for a lot of Linux users but also worth a mention is the Ubuntu Software app the comes built in with Ubuntu Desktop.

If you go to your search menu and type Ubuntu Software and navigate to Updates, Ubuntu does a very good job or keeping you up to date with apps and operating system updates.

As of writing this post right now I have just checked and seen I have two updates myself I am going to do them straight after i submit this.


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