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Understand Website Basics

website responsive design

Townsville Nerds have been building websites since the mid 90’s. While I was studying education and James Cook University, one of our subjects was computing in education. This was all during the very early stages of the internet.

That class included a broad overall the computer industry and one of the new technologies everyone was talking about then was the internet.

I was fascinated with websites back then and soon wanted to start building my own, which turned out to be my career path. Customers where easy to find because everyone wanted a website for their business, band or group.

Now twenty plus years not much has changed, people still want websites and the basics of website names, and hosting hasn’t changed a lot either.

But with more people taking up the technology and lots of chefs in the kitchen it can bee easy to be confused about what part of web hosting does what, who you have to pay and what makes your web site work.

This post is to help further understand the basics of websites, host and emails and how it all comes together. I will start from the top, what you need to get taken care of first and work my way all the way down to having your website up and running.


Domain  Name

Your domain name is the website URL people need to type in their web browser to access your website. Mine for intance is

When you purchase a website domain name it is not your forever. Every year you will need to re-register your name again, or someone else might instead.

Your domain names can be registered through registrars such as Godady, Bluehost or

Most of these registrars will allow you to purchase years in bulk also, 1 year, 3 years 5 etc.


Web Hosting and Email

Now you have your domain name you need to point it at a web host.

A Web Host is a company you pay to store your website so people can see it. Once you have made your website you upload it to your webhost and when people type your domain name they get directed to the server holding your site which displays it on your screen.

There is nothing stopping you from hosting your website on your own web server. Web servers require very fast internet though, technical knowledge and expensive to setup and maintain.

Rather than buy your own it is much more economical and time consuming to use an existing web host which shares it’s resources with other users and charges you a fraction of the price.

Reputable web hosts include, Hostgator and BlueHost and usually include email hosting as well so you can have multiple emails address to match your website such as [email protected].


Your Website

Your website will only be limited by your imagination.

There are many website builder websites out there which offer you something for nothing. But be very careful using these, they are usually gone as fast as they started, they mostly maintain ownership of your website (not you) and then you end up paying for something on their up sell (usually a very cut back, automated version of a website).

If you want a proper website which you own and can do what with as you please, you either have to make your own or pay a web design company like Townsville Nerds to make for you.


Townsville Nerds Web Design

We make websites which work, look great and are set to work in today’s web environment.

We use the Wordpress framework which most websites all around the world use, so you know you will be getting a robust and professional website.

We now make all our websites responsive, which means no matter what device you view your website in, it will adjust to fit the screen automatically and will look great no matter where you view it.

Call Townsville Nerds today on 0402 807 890 for a free web design, hosting and domain name quote.





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