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What are Beep Codes – My Computer is Screaming


Have you ever turned your computer on, and it didn’t start up properly. This is not uncommon, but when it does become alarming is when your computer doesn’t start properly but it also literally sends alarms bells in the form of high bitch beep noises.

When your computer starts up it performs a POST (Power-On-Self-Test). This is a quick test your computer performs to see if everything is performing right. There are many things which can fail when your computer starts up such a dislodged cards and memory modules, to physical failure of a graphics card and CMOS corruption on the motherboard.

Beep codes are very helpful in that there is usually a specific beep code for a different error. If you are trying to diagnose the problem with your computers start up, and if you know which beep code corresponds to which error, it can be very helpful in starting to diagnose your problem.


Different Beep Codes

Although there beep codes are very helpful, there is a inherited problem with them.

There are many different types of beep codes, not only for different manufacturers of computers and motherboards, but they can also be different beep codes for different boards made by the same manufacturer.

This basically means if you can by two different computers made by the same manufacturer, and both can be giving the exact same beep codes, but they could also be corresponding to different problems.

You need to know the exact motherboard you have to diagnose the problem starting with beep code.

Failing to understand the right beep code can not only send you on a wild goose chase, but could also to mistakenly cause damage to the wrong components (the ones working correctly) because you started in the wrong spot to begin with.


Beep Codes Can Sometimes Be Too Generic

Three beeps for a lot of motherboards can usually indicate a RAM Memory problem.

And even though this can be the case for a lot of computers, it still fails to let you know what exactly is the problem. IS the motherboard having problems reading the RAM because of the memory module itself, or because the slot is damaged, or maybe the BIOS is corrupt and cant see the memory.

A natural assumption for CPU error might be to do something like take the processor out and put it into another machine to test if it still working.

At Townsville Nerds we have seen actual failing CPU’s butcher motherboards. They have damaged the motherboard they are in, been put into a new motherboard and done the same things again.

A beep code can not tell you if a processor is doing that – be very careful when taking components out of one machine and putting them into another.


If Your Not Sure Call Us

If in doubt Townsville Nerds offer a 100% complete diagnostic free quote.

We don’t mind finding out your problems and if we can’t fix it or you do not accept our free quote – You just come back and pick it up. It’s no problem at all.

Call Ross Rudall at Townsville Nerds today on 0402 870 890.


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