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What is hiberfil.sys

There is a very good chance that if you are reading this post on Townsville Nerds, you computer is starting to run slow and you have been checking your recourse and found a file called hiberfil.sys is using a lot of your precious memory or hard drive space.

Im sure there is nothing you would like to do more than delete this file but I am sorry to tell you, you cant if you are using hibernation mode.



What is hiberfil.sys

When you are using your computer, the files you are currently using and the state of your computer (what you have open and are doing etc) are stored in the memory.

This allows you to access and do things in real time, as apposed to it saving your current actions into the hard drive which would be a lot slower in a working state.

What hiberfile,sys does is move that working state to your hard drive when your computer goes into Hibernate Mode. The good thing about Hibernate mode is when your computer turns off, or you even take the battery out of your laptop, when you resume your computer will quickly boot up and the complete state of your computer will be just the way it was when you were using it.

Right down to the same file being open, to where your mouse was on the screen.


How can I stop Hibernate Mode

Disabling hibernate mode is very easy.

The quickest way to do it is go to your command prompt and open it as Administrator by right clicking on it and choosing that option.

Once Command Prompt is open simply type, “powercfg -h off” and hit enter.

You do not need to but I would then restart your computer to clear the memory and any current process. You will also notice when you go to restart the computer in the bottom left hand corner you no longer have the option to Hibernate your computer.


What can I do to free up some space and memory

Ig you would like to leave Hibernate mode on and don’t want to disable it, there are a couple of things you can try to free up some space and not use so much memory, in order to make your computer run faster.

If Hibernate mode is affecting your computers performance there are probably other things involved.

Try and disable programs in your start up, unnecessarily starting when your computer does. Disabling them will not remove them, it will just let your computer know it doesn’t need to run them immediately when turing on, you will start them as you need them.

The second is you can right click on a lot of files and see there sizes and make the decision if you need them or not. Be careful doing though, deleting the wrong file can stop your computer from working and if you do not have a backup, it could be gone forever.

Please call Townsville Nerds on 0402 8007 890 for all your computer needs.

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