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  No Hourly Rate - Fixed Prices
  No Sneaky Hidden Fees
  No Fix No Fee
  Onsite or Drop Off
  Open 24 - 7 Days
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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Where to take a broken computer in Townsville

Where to take your broken computer in Townsville

If you want to know where to take your broken computer in Townsville there is only one place that makes sense.

Having a broken computer is annoying and what else is annoying is having to unplug everything, cart it to your car, take it somewhere, wait for it to be repaired and then have to pick it back up and plug it all again. Just to find out it needs to go back again.


We will come to you for onsite Townsville computer repairs

Well rest assure you wont have that problem with this Townsville computer repairs company.

We will come out to you, give you a free quote and if you want to go ahead and do the work we will do what we can right there and then. In the odd chance it needs more work we will take it with us and usually have it back the very next day.


Fast and Reliable Service

I wont take your computer for a week leaving you wait to hear back from us.

When you have a broken computer in Townsville rest assure that when I come to you, you will get my full attention. I don’t take on too much work so all my customers get the attention they deserver.


Same Quality Service for All

Whether your a big business, a home user or student you will get the same attention when you  have a broken computer in Townsville and use us for your Townsville computer repairs needs.

All my customers are important to me and you and your broken computer in Townsville will get the very best in quality and service.


Where to take a broken computer in Townsville

If you do choose to bring your broken computer into me I am at 27b Brooks Street, Railway Estate, Townsville 4810. A lot of our customers come in from other cities and I don’t have a problem at all in them coming to my house where I work from to drop it off.

But if you are staying with a friend in a Hotel, or even at the Army Lavrack Barracks I don’t mind making the trip to you and it wont cost you any more.


Customer Review

Hello my name is Jenny Olsen. I am a widow and am 79 years old. I started using the computer only about 3 years ago when my husband was still alive and he would take care of all the bills online as well as al the computer needs.

Now he is no longer with us I must do all these things which has been a great burden.

Fortunately I met Ross who helps me every time my computer is broken. He is very trustworthy and always takes his time with me and even helps me over the phone when I need it. And I need it a lot.

I can’t recommend Townsville Nerds enough and fill happy knowing he is only a call away, every time I turn my computer on.


Our Policy

We do not have a call out fee. We also have a no fix no fee policy.

Further if you are worried it will cost you too much, just me me a call on 0402 807 890 and arrange a FREE no obligation quote.

I will come out to you for free and see whats wrong and give you a quote. If you don’t accept my quote its no problem at all and didn’t cost you a cent!

If your thinking where to take a broken computer in Townsville, and you need Townsville computer repairs; think Townsville Nerds.

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