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Windows 10 Townsville Computer Technician

No software is perfect. The more technologically advanced something gets; the more things can go wrong with it.

Windows 10 is a beautifully designed advanced operating system with many new features to keep the basic to advanced computer user satisfied for some time.

With these new innovative features there have been many reports of all sorts of things going wrong from, computers not starting up at all, having no wifi or internet connectivity, to files going missing and no sound.

A lot of these problems are just minor bugs and a Townsville Computer Technician can easily help you with them and also as time goes by these are getting patched up and fixed quite quickly by Microsoft.

Some issues are so small it doesn’t really matter. However somethings can not be ignored. Such as the dreaded Black Screen of Death when people log into their computer; after entering their password.

Below is a list of 5 common problems which we are seeing in Windows 10 right now.


Townsville computer tech windows 10 help


5 Common Problems

A lot of these problems are not so much problems with he software and a lot of them fall into the area of, “Where did that go?”

No one can be blamed for that; where one person thinks its a good idea to put somethings, someone else will disagree. The more Windows 10 gets used and populated all over the world on home and business computers, the less we will hear about these kind of problems.

A Townsville computer technician can help you with all of these problems.


Wifi Connectivity

Without doubt this is the number one problem we are seeing with people using Windows 10.

Customers loosing the ability to connect to their modems, routers and networks through Wifi is causing all sorts of problems. Computers on networks which need to logon to that network before you can use that computer is being interrupted and just all general internet connectivity is being effected.


Email App

The Windows 10 is not allowing users to create and edit subdirectories in their emails.

This can be annoying because they are loosing their ability to keep their emails organised and in the event of an upgrade they are unable to access a lot of their files stored in these directories.


Chrome Web Browser

A lot of people love Chrome over Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari. To tell you the truth I like them all and run them all simultaneously.

However, many customer are reporting Chrome behaving erratically and crazy all over the place.

Some files wont open, some web sites crash and a lot of people are telling me they are unable to stream video from sites like Googles Youtube and Netflix when watching Videos.


Microsoft Security Essentials

With Windows 10 you are automatically given Microsoft Windows Defender which is a handy, free security tool designed by Microsoft.

I am not going to go into here whether I think Windows Defender is a good alternative to the main paid for versions of Anti viruses, but a lot of people in Windows 10 are having problems finding it.

It is most likely on your Windows 10 system, however it does not show up as a short cut by default and is hidden deeper in the settings of the Windows 10 Operating System.


Windows 10 Activation

Many people are complaining they are having problems activating Windows 10.

I personally haven’t had a problem with this but did find it slow to do so. I imagine a lot of people are getting impatient when registering Windows 10. A few people have reported tome they have tried to register, gone away from their computer and come back some time later to find that it indeed to work.


Townsville computer technician

If you have landed on this page it is probably because you are looking for help with your new Windows 10 installation.

Please call Ross Rudall on 0402 807 890 and a helpful Townsville computer technician will come and see you for a free quote.

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