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Your Website Needs Cloudflare

You may have heard of Cloudflare before. It is not unlikely you’ve gone to a website in the past, only to find it is down or seen a Cloudflare web page instead.

Cloudfare is an online web company which basically sits between you (proxy) and your websites customers. So when people viewing your website, they are actually going through Cloudflare first, even though they do not know it.

By sending your customers through Cloudflare first, you can significantly increase speed and security, and overall give your website surfers, a better, faster and much more secure web experience, with a lot less down time.

Click here to go to, Cloudflare.

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How can your website use Cloudflare

Using Cloudflare is really simple and free. Of course they have to make money so you can upgrade to superior services, but for most small to medium websites the free Cloudflare account will definitely work.

First you have to sign up for Cloudflare, choose the account and services you want to enable, and register your existing website.

Once that is done you need to head over to your domain registrar and change the DNS servers for your website to the ones provided by Cloudflare and that’s it.

There are not changes needed to your actual website but sometimes it might take a few hours for the new DNS settings to propagate. But there will be no downtime because the internet will continue to look at your existing DNS servers before moving to the new ones.


Benefits of using Cloudflare

Now that all your traffic is going through Cloudflare before hitting your website, Cloudflare can filter and anaylse all traffic before it hits and hurts your website.

Cloudflares network is huge so they analyse a lot of attacks and if another website has been compromise, the network learns to benefit all its other websites in advanced, it’s brilliant.

Benefits of Cloudflare:

  • Stop attacks before they ever reach your website.
  • Improve speed and load times.
  • Provide in depth Analytics of your website and it’s traffic.
  • Optimisation
  • Provide Gateways for Protocols like IPv4/6.
  • One Click SSL Install

If you ever wanted to have your website using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) but didn’t want to fork out a lot of on going payments you no longer have to.

Once you sign up for a free Cloudflare account, you simple just need to tick the SSL checkbox and your website instantly has SSL.

Having SSL on your websites provides an added layer of security for users, hiding what you do on a website from prying eyes.

Also, Google gives better search engine ranking to websites who use SSL as it provides a better experience for its users also.

If you would like help seeing your website up to use Cloudflare, please call Ross on 0402 870 890.




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