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Adblock Browser for Mobile Phone

I know I am a computer repair business and I do not spend a lot of time on Mobile phone, but recently I come across something that has saved me a lot of time and stress when browsing the internet on my mobile phone.

I have talked before about using Adblock on your computer web browser to stop ads jumping up left, right and centre as you are surfing the web to stop the nuisance.

As mobile phone web browsing is taking over computer web browsing I have found my self surfing the web more frequently on the my mobile phones.

For me particularly I use a lot of information sites and web pages relating to general news and technology. I don’t know if it is just me but on these particular sites, trying to find out a score or whats going on in the world, I seem to get a lot of ads related to cars and television.


Adblock Browser for mobile phone


The problem on your mobile phone with ads is when you touch the screen and try to scroll down you inadvertently click on the ad and are taken to a different screen. Advertisers know this and make their advertisements as big as possible so any tie you want to move your browser down on your phone you cant help but click on the ad.

Frustrated by this I decided to look for an Adblock program to use with Google Chrome on my phone and actually found a whole web browser dedicated to Adblocking named, Adblock Browser.

Adblock Browser is built on Firefox which has been around for a long time and is both fast and secure.

You can download Adblock Browser from both Android and Iphone.

When I started using it on my Android phone I was amazed with how much fast my mobile phone web browsing worked. Websites downloaded so much quicker, ads weren’t in the way making the display of the site ugly and I didn’t accidentally click on ads and be directed to different websites every two minutes.


Why do websites display ads

I read a lot of reviews about Adblock Browser before installing it on my phone and they were all negative. Not because the app was faulty or because it didn’t do what it said it does, but because it did!

A lot of bloggers and website owners hate Adblock Browser because it deprives them of revenue.

Most websites you use every day, including the big ones like Google and Facebook are still existing because of the advertising dollar. They need the ads on their website to provide you their service for free.  Hence why a lot of web developers, entrepreneurs, business people and bloggers hate Adblock Browser.

I personally do not sell ads on the Townsville Nerds website but I know people who do and using this app will affect them.

However, I do not think the experience of the average web user should be sacrificed at the expense of making other people money. Maybe if so many websites, small and prominent hadn’t used such bullish and aggressive tactics to tricking users into clicking on ads there wouldn’t be a need for apps like Adblock Browser.

We use it and recommend you do to.

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