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Alternative Web Browsers

Computing has changed over the years. I remember when it use to take a few minutes for an image to load and there was no internet banking or social networking.

Now everything is instant, or pretty close to it; we do a lot more on our computers and internet, using multiple services, multiple applications and multiple web browsers all at the same time.

Most of the time you do not need to use multiple web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer, at least at the same time.

However, if you have more than one account to the same website, such as multiple Facebook accounts, it is hard to use them simultaneously on the same web browser without having to login and out every message or time you want to use each one.

But having more than one web browser can fix this, by logging on to each account using a different browser.

So which browsers are the best and if you already have more than one email or account and need more than one browser, what are the alternative available that you don’t hear about?

Web browsers alternative townsville


Apple Safari

Anyone who has ever used an Apple computer, Iphone or Ipad will know this web browser as it comes built in with these devices,

What a lot of people don’t know is it is possible to download and use Safari on other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows.

Although there is nothing particularly special about Safari, it is good as a backup web browser due to its stability.




Most people like lightweight fast and minimalist web browsers. But for everyone else who like lots of buttons and shortcuts to all sorts of services and feel better browsing that way Lunascape is for you.

If you can image a website full of short cuts to services such as CNN etc, Lunascape is a great web browser to download.




Torch is a great web browser for people who love watching movies and listening to music online.

It is the [perfect web browsers for those who live and play all the entertainment and media programs through a web browser.

Many media pirate use Torch because it makes it a lot easier to keep media downloaded from online and it has some very easy drag and drop features to use to share media files with social network accounts and contacts.




If your a gamer this web browser is for you.

Made entirely with gamers is mind, specially those who play games through the web broswer, Cowoon also has heaps of extra features built into it which allow you to record your gaming experience to sharing it with friends on game and social networks.



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