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Tag: google

online storage data townsville computer man

Pros and Cons of Online Storage

When we are talking about computers and phones and refer to storage we are basically talking about the hard drive on our device in which we store our photos, media and applications. On these hard drives there are other files as well, like programs which make our computer run, or the operating system itself like Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX or… Read more →

Web Browser Alterntaives

Awesome Browser Extensions

What are Browser Extensions Your web browser is the program and application you use on your computer like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer to surf the internet and read websites such as this one. The programs come with heaps of functionality to do the things most developers think you want to do. Google Chrome for instance incorporates its… Read more →

Web Browser Alterntaives

Alternative Web Browsers

Computing has changed over the years. I remember when it use to take a few minutes for an image to load and there was no internet banking or social networking. Now everything is instant, or pretty close to it; we do a lot more on our computers and internet, using multiple services, multiple applications and multiple web browsers all at… Read more →

Cloud computing

Dropbox vs Onedrive vs Google Drive

Most of us have probably heard of one of these services. With the race being on for who will be the most superior cloud storage provider, it is hard to know which services are legitimate, and what has to offer. This post hopes to provide some insight as to what these services are and what each can provide to help… Read more →

townsville facebook

Stop Websites Asking to Show Notifications

It feels like just about every website I go to these days asks me if I would like to allow notifications. On the Internet views are everything to websites, specially ones trying to sell you something. You view is valuable to them even after you have left. Thats why they want you to allow notification from them, so every time… Read more →

Rank higher in Google yourself


I can show you how I ranked Townsville Nerds number one. Anyone who has a website or online business will be able to tell you how they receive emails every week from companies all over the world claiming to be able to make their website number one. They use words like SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and user engagement. For a… Read more →

Google Chrome Protection

The Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs

A lot of people use Google Chrome now as their main Web Browser. A web browser is the program on your computer or mobile device like phone or tablet you use to access web sites, such as Google, Facebook, banking etc. There are many different web browsers available. To begin with Netscape was the main one. Internet Explorer as always… Read more →

Gmail Help email townsville

Google’s Gmail Android app and Exchange

What is Google Gmail Android App For the majority of people using smart phones, there are 2 giants in the market. The Iphone which is made by Apple which uses the IOS operating system and Android phones which is made by countless other companies which use Googles operating system named Android. Within the Android operating system you can download millions of different… Read more →

Google Chrome Protection

Google Warns You of Fake Download Buttons

Have you ever gone to a website to download a specific file only to find out all the download, or most a fake. You have to click on every download link until one of them actually work and you get the file you came for. Some a viruses, some are adware but the majority are just getting you tow download… Read more →

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