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The Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs

A lot of people use Google Chrome now as their main Web Browser. A web browser is the program on your computer or mobile device like phone or tablet you use to access web sites, such as Google, Facebook, banking etc.

There are many different web browsers available. To begin with Netscape was the main one. Internet Explorer as always been around and seems to fluctuate, Mozilla Firefox is a good choice, but most people as of 2016 seem to use Google Chrome.

Google Chrome Problems Townsville

Not only is it tightly Associated with Google and all the services people use, it is also free, quick and light.

Google Chrome and Google have a great function which stops or warms users of sites which contain harmful programs and viruses in order to protect you from the dangers online. This function works great and helps a lot of people every day. But sometimes it blocks sites it shouldn’t.

Sometimes its the Google Chrome itself but often it can be other things on your computer blocking access to legitimate site. Below I will discuss it in more detail.


The site does actually contain harmful programs

A wise man once told me, “the internet is like anywhere else in the world. People will like you, people love you and people will try and hurt you”.

There are a lot of bad people in the world and fortunately in Townsville we are shielded from a lot of them. But now through they internet they no longer need to jump on a plain, sort you out and break down your door. They can simply come at you over the internet.

Google Chrome does a great job at warning you the site you are using is compromised … and you should listen!


Your computer is already compromised

You can also get this message if the site you are trying to access is indeed a good site, but there is something on your computer misdirecting you, forwarding your requests somewhere else or generally just messing with you.

If your computer or laptop is infected with a virus, malware, adware or spyware you can see this is screen. even if you have already used this particular site in the past without problems.


Your Antivirus is Interfering

I highly recommend everyone use a Antivirus program on their computer or laptop. Saying that, antivirus programs are not 100%, nor do they claim to be.

Every single computer I see with a virus or some sort of malicious program on it also has an antivirus. I don’t think any particular antivirus is too much better or worse than any of the other; none of them are full proof.

As well as doing a reasonable job of protecting you and your computer, sometimes antivirus programs go a bit haywire and become over protective. This can sometimes cause the problem resulting in the red “The Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs” screen.

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