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Computer is Running Check Disk

Turning your computer on to see it not starting up properly or running a check disk straight away can be a very scary things, specially if you have not backed up your data.

Check Disk is a program on the Windows operating system which checks system files and integrity as well as the integrity of the disks surface.

If you are getting a check disk error or your system is running check disk when you turn your computer on, there is a good chance something has gone very wrong with your computer and it is best to let the process run and finish.

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Virus and Infections

If you have picked up a virus or some sort of Malware, it can infect your operating system and cause your computer to not boot up properly or at all.  If your computer is in some what of a usable state, it can automatically tell that it is not starting properly and automatically start Check disk during boot up.

Viruses don’t just infect your valuable data, they can spy on you, advertise to you and delete important files on your computer that make it run smoothly and boot up properly.


Hard Drive Errors

Your computer hard drive (Not solid State) is magnetic based and has sensitive components which make it very vulnerable.

If your Windows software can not load properly a Check Disk can help diagnose the problem and help repair it if possible. Physical disk problems account for a lot of automatic disk checking when computers start up.


Loss of power

If your computer looses power or is shut down wrong it can cause errors on your computer and it may need to do a disk check when the computer restarts.

Power issues can cause all sorts of problems in your computer. From loss of data to physical damage and hard drives always seem to get the brunt of it. When physical problems happen to your hard drive it is a lot harder to recover the data. Data can be lost forever, turned to raw or seriously corrupted. Just another reason to make sure you always back up anything important to you.

What are bad sectors

A bad sector is a tiny little measurement of your hard drive (both Solid State and Hard Disk Drive) that has been damaged and unreadable.

There are physical bad sectors and software bad sectors. Software bad sectors are much easier to repair than physical bad sectors. Your hard drive is divided up into a lot of sectors, each one containing a designated amount of storage space for your computer to read and right to.



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