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Dropbox vs Onedrive vs Google Drive

Most of us have probably heard of one of these services. With the race being on for who will be the most superior cloud storage provider, it is hard to know which services are legitimate, and what has to offer.

This post hopes to provide some insight as to what these services are and what each can provide to help you and your computer and network needs.

Townsville computer repairs


What is Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is just another way to say online storage.

You can store data such as photos, music and documents on a large range of media like your hard drive or external drive.

Storing files online is a slower process because you are bound by the speed of internet connections and data limits. But it a great idea for anyone who wants to protect their important files.

If your computer fails, or your backups are lost in a fire, stolen or misplaced you can conveniently assess your files from any computer in the world with an internet connections, assuming you remember your login details.

The three services I am going to talk about are free and easy to install. Dropbox, Onedrive and Google Drive. All of these services offer free but limited space and if you require can be purchased online.



Dropbox is one of the pioneers of the online storage applications and has become the main go to cloud service most people use.

Unfortunately Dropbox only allow 2GB of free space before you need to upgrade to $9.99 a month for 100GB which still might not be enough for a lot of people.

The great thing about Dropxbox is a lot of developers incorporate Dropxbox integration into their applications so all your files can be stored online within a program in case you loose them.

Dropxbox also works great on your mobile phone which means you can access those same files on your mobile phone you store from your desktop, laptop or tablet device.


Google Drive

Anyone who has a free Google account will automatically receive a free 15GB storage account.

This is a lot more than Dropxbox but also includes the storage required for your email and Google Docs and photos. So if you are using any of these services keep in mind it all accounts as one storage allocation unit.

Google is a massive company which doesn’t look like its going anywhere soon so you have the assurance your files will be there tomorrow.

Google pricing is very competitive at $1.99/ 100GB, $9.99/ 1TB or $199 for 10TB.



Onedrive is another great cloud storage service which is owned by the software giant, Microsoft.

Straight off the bat Onedrive offers 5GB storage for free and then you can upgrade to $1.99 /100GB, $3.99 /200GB and $6.99 /1000GB.

You might have seen Onedrive on your computer on account of Microsoft bundling the software pre-installed on your computer of with applications like Microsoft Word which a lot of people already use.



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