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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Antivirus Phone Number

This post is about another scam going around hitting a lot of people in Townsville. It comes in many different colours and skins, but it all amounts to the same thing. Getting you to pick up the phone and give your credit card details to someone who is not a real antivirus company and who will install software on your computer to spy on you.

Townsville phone and computer scams

How this scam works

Your sitting on your computer typing away when a notification crashes across the screen and tells you that you have viruses on your computer.

It sounds legitimate enough. Except for the fact legitimate antivirus programs do not need you to call them to speak to someone.

The software giving you this message is indeed the virus or adware, and tricking you into thinking it is your antivirus program and you should do as it says.


What happens next

The victim calls the phone number, speaks to someone in another country, who asks for a one off payments and access to your computer.

But that’s not what you get.

Your screen goes blank, the criminals installed their spyware and malicious software to spy on you and to get more money from you in the future. And it just gets worse from there.

Now they have your credit card it gets hit with different purchases from all over the worls and shared among criminal networks


How to protect yourself

The first thing is, look at the source of the message. If you have Avira Antivirus installed on your computer; is Avira giving you this message. Or, some program called Antivirus20017 or something, which you did not install on your computer?

The second is what I have already mentioned. Your antivirus company is not a technical support company, rarely anyway. They make a lot more money by their software doing the job, rather than paying someone to look after your computer. Do not trust anything which popups on your computer and asks you to call a number.


Can it be repaired

If the worst which happens to you is you need your computer repairs, your not that bad off.

Plenty of people have money taken out of their account or their identity compromised. If you are unsure, immediately call your bank and use another computer or phone (not compromimised) to change any financial related passwords you might be concerned with such as Ebay, Paypal and banking.

Then give Ross at Townsville Nerds a call on 0402 807 890. I will be able to remove the problem, and give you a lot  more information. I even offer 100% no obligation free quotes.

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