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Bye Bye, ISDN

If your business or home use ISDN and you have missed all the updates, news and emails, you could soon find you might not have access to telephone, email and internet.

Computer Terminology and internet


What is ISDN

ISDN stands for, Integrated Services Digital Network and although it is an old technology it is still used in businesses and home all around the world.

Many people who are unable to get technolgoy such as ADSL or NBN have had to rely on ISDN for their interent and telephone systems. ISDN is good in the way that all you need is an exsisting telephone line to get a digital signal.

A lot of people have dual ISDN lines so they are able to get faster speeds such as 128Kbps whcih might sound slow to you but until ADSL came along many people were ablke to run their business, home and web services on such a line.


Pros of ISDN

  • ISDN only took a couple of secomnds to connect rather than dial up withich use to take up to 30 seconds.
  • The ability to get maximum transfer rates over the line for telephone, video and internet.
  • ISDN is very reliable and an alternative for people who can not get faster internet connections like ADSL2 and NBN etc.


Cons of ISDN

  • Special equipment is needed on both ends, such as your modem, setup and telephone company.
  • Its more expensive than a simple dial up connection.
  • Wait time in Australia can be long sometimes.


ISDN End Of Life

If you have ISDN already this is probably not news to you, as you have probably received a few emails and calls from your internet service provider, specially if you have a business grade internet account.

As ISDN has almost become obselete and with the Australian governments push for the NBN (National Broadband Network) steps have already begun to shutting down ISDN.

There are simply much better, faster, robust and cheaper ways to access the internet, voice and data networks.


What Should You Do

Of course not everyone can get NBN yet, and it could be some time before you see it.

Reports hint that if you have a ISDN connection you will not be disconnected until there is another alternative for you.

However, there already might be a better option for you such as ADSL and NBN. If you are not able to get a fiber connection or fixed line connection companies like Skymesh are really pushing competitive satellite NBN deals which are very good.

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