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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Why Does Your Hard Drive Fail?

Hard drives failing, including external and the type of hard drive inside your computer can be one of the worst things to happen to your computer or laptop.


Its one thing to have something go wrong with your computer and have to buy all new equipment, its a totally other thing to loose all your data, photos, music information and important personal and work documents.

The hard drive is the part of the computer we store all our important data. Some people have more than one hard drive in their computer, and others think they have more than one when it actually just one drive, cleverly divided into multiple.

There are a couple of different types of hard drives, but the main two are the classic older and cheaper HDD (Hard Disk Drive) which has spinning platters on it and the newer, much faster and more expensive SSD (Solid State Drive) which has relatively no moving parts, much like a USB (Universal Serial Bus) thumb drive.

There are many reasons hard drives stop working and its often hard to determine how, and even harder to rescue your precious information from.

Townsville laptop computer man

Old Age

Just like any other person, object or device, hard disk drives get old and die.

You have probably notice your computer getting slower to react and boot up over time and you may have even herd it grindingaway while you sit patiently waiting for something to happen.

This is a sign your computer or laptops hard drive is starting to get older as it comes to a crawl and this is also the best time to invest in an external hard drive and back up all your important information.


Someone Dropped or Bumped it

Yep, this is a common one. You get up too quick or don’t notice your external hard drive is still plugged into your computer and thump to the ground it all goes.

The worst happens when your hard drive is still in use as it is still spinning around when it is dropped and results in your computer or hard drive no longer working.

If you turn it back on and you notice a clicking noise you have definitely damaged the hard drive and should stop using it immediately to minimize the risk of loosing your data or further harming your hard drive.


Power Surge

Although we welcome the wet season in Townsville when it comes, computer, laptop and other devices plugged into power sources have all sorts of troubles.

Power surges can do catastrophic damage to hard drives and we see a lot of these problems after rain and thunderstorms, usually between November and March.


Not Turning Your Computer Off Properly

You have probably heard it before and maybe not even believed it, but its true. Desktops, Notebooks and pretty much every computing device needs to follow a protocol and set of instructions to turn off and save your data properly.

Pulling the power out of the back of your computer, loosing power or simply doing something on your computer causing it to freeze and restart the wrong way can damage your hard drive and data, making it corrupt and even turning it RAW.


Water Damage

This one is a no-brainer, but worth mentioning; computers and hard drives hate getting wet, soaked or drowned.

It’s quite common. Your sitting at your table, drinking some water, and hovering over your laptop. You put your glass down and get immersed in what you are doing on your laptop and accidentally bump your glass and cover your computer in water.

If you are lucky you might of only damaged your motherboard and your computer wont start, but maybe your hard drive is still OK.

Also, sometimes if you don’t even get your hard drive wet, but your computer gets wet and sends a surge into your hard drive, your hard drive and data can be damaged that way also.


Travelling or Moving Around a Lot

Do you work on the road or go on holidays a lot?

You wouldn’t believe how many people we see who have just got back from holidays and there computers hard drive or external drive is no longer working.

This probably goes back to hard drives not liking knocks and bumps and all that moving around, being stored, in and out of taxi’s and sitting on an Aeroplane has caused damage to your drive. Make sure you always backup your hard drive when going on holidays and even if you have a secondary computer, it might be better taking that with you instead.


Backup Backup Backup

We always think to do it when its too late. Backing up can be the smartest thing you ever do on your computer or laptop.

Unfortunately a lot of people leave their backups in their computer 24/7. Seems like a good idea at the time but when something happens like, spillage, surge or fire, the hard drive is still attached to the computer and as your computer surges, sinks or gets dropped, so does the backup drive.

There are a lot of sophisticated and complicated backing up software and application available. I don’t particularity like them because a lot of time you will need the same software you backed up onto, installed on the recovering computer.

If in doubt simply copy and paste as much data as possible onto another drive as a backup. It is better to have unorganised and duplicate photos and data, than no data at all.

Always back u, always disconnect and always store in another area.


How Long Does It Take To Repair

Most jobs I try and do the same day or the next. It really depends on what is wrong with it.

Townsville Nerds offers a same day, free, no obligation quote and diagnosis. This means you can quickly have your hard drive or computer diagnosed for free with no obligation to follow up once you have the quote.

So if you do not accept our quote, your hard drive, computer and data recovery diagnosis is still happily 100% Free.

Not everything can be repaired but we have a pretty good repair rate.


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