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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Browser

Pop Up Virus Removal in Townsville 0402 807 890

No network connection – Part 2

Bad Network Driver Device Drivers are software on your computer, which talk to the operating system on your behalf, so basically you don’t have to do anything, just connect. Some drivers are built into your system and other need to be added, such as those with a 4G network card your wireless carrier will provide for you. When you connect… Read more →

Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

No network connection – Part 1

 One of the most annoying things when using your computer is no network connection. For most people, especially home users there would probably no need to use a computer or have one if you had no internet. Loosing your Internet connection or LAN (Local Area Network) connection can happen for a lot of reasons and most of them really depend… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs Nerds

Helpful Netflix

Although Townsville Nerds is primarily a computer repair business and website, every now and again I come across something from my customers which I think is a great idea and I would like to share. If you don’t already have Netflix you should seriously think about getting it. Netflix is basically a website or app depending on how you are… Read more →

Popups controlling your computer

PopUps taking over your computer

Its bad enough when you start using your computer and all of the sudden popups start bugging you and interfering with whatever your doing, but what do you do if it happens straight up; when your computer has just been turned on? When you are using your computer and more and more popups start bugging you there are a lot… Read more →

computer repairs townsville web design

What is Cascading Style Sheets

Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is my favourite stylesheet language for changing, styling and maintaining the way my websites work and look. Townsville computer repairs Nerds use Cascading Style Sheets in all our websites and not only does it greatly reduce the time it takes to build our customers sites, it also give it a much better presentation and uniform style across… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs Nerds and computer phones

AirDroid – Computer to Android Phone

There are a lot of option for transferring files from your computer to you Android phones. A very popular method for a lot of Samsung users is Kies, but most phones have their own software for managing their Android devices, much like Apple has Itunes. But what if you want a lot more from a software package on your computer than just transferring… Read more →

Different types of file extensions

Understanding different file extensions

All names on your computer are not created equal. Although you maybe able to choose the name of a file on your computer, but what type of file it is and what particular programs you need to open that file will be determined by the extensions following it. For example, a file named RossAtTheBeach.jpg with the file extension format “.jpg” tells… Read more →

Safe web browsing Townsville

Brave Web Browser

If you are sick of surfing the internet and being bombarded with advertisements, slow browsing speeds and your privacy being jeopardized, the new Brave Web Browser might be for you. The internet has changed a lot over the years. To begin with it was slow, so users weren’t really looking for a new web browser because it didn’t matter what… Read more →

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