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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Technology

Windows 10 Disk Usage

Windows 10 has been around for a while now and we can assume all this time a lot of the bugs will have sorted out. Although having the Windows 10 operating system on your computer or laptop is proving to have a lot of security benefits, we still seem to be having the constant problems we had a lot of… Read more →

mac computer repairs in townsville nerds

Best Apple Mac Tools – Part 1

You have just bought you new Apple Mac computer and the first thing we get asked is, what should I put on it. My answer either makes people very happy, or quite sad. The answer is, “probably the exact same stuff as you would put on a Windows or Linux computer”. The fact of the matter is, most of the… Read more →


To Much Junk On Your Computer

I get this one a lot. A customer will call me and let me know they think there computer is running slow due to it being full with too many photos, applications and files etc. The truth is, unless your hard drive is failing and not addressing space allocation correctly, it doesn’t matter how many files you have on your computer, how… Read more →

Remote Desktop TeamViewer

Remote Access Your Computer with Teamviewer

Being able to access your home or work computer from another location, including your phone can be a very valuable recourse. Whether its because you constantly need to check something on your computer like downloads or messages, or its a one off where you have forgot something for work or study and don’t want to travel all the way back and… Read more →

HDD Solid State Drive data townsville

How a HDD Hard Disk Drive Works

A lot of people can be forging for thinking their whole computer desktop tower or laptop is the hard drive when referring to it. But the actually hard drive, the device responsible for storing files and operating system such as Windows 10 is actually a little box the size of your hand within the computer or laptop. Your hard drive… Read more →

Townsville Laptop-computer-man

Difference Between VOIP and PTSN

What is PTSN PTSN stands for Public Switched Telephone Network, and before the internet became mainstream was the old telephone type system we have and still use a lot in our homes and business. If you have seen the old movies where someone sits at a desk switching telephones together from calls inbound and connecting to calls outbound you have… Read more →

Printer help Townsville laptop men

Different types of Printers – Part 2

Multifunction Printers Multifunction printers try to do everything from Faxing, Printing, Scanning, and Photocopying. They are usually built in with the ability to connect to your network over the Wireless and Ethernet and also have a telephone port to be able to make calls and receive faxes. You will know if your printer is Multifunctional because it is larger than… Read more →

Printer help Townsville laptop men

Different types of Printers – Part 1

We have all been using printers on our computer for a very long time now. If you have had a computer in the past you most certainly would have had a printer. With everything been sent electronically now like your bank statements, phone  and electricity bills people are now having to print there own bills out. The printer industry has… Read more →

Where can I download Music safely

I get asked the one a lot. Probably because people have tried the usual routes like P2P networking or torrents. Torrents are great and not only used for downloading digital files illegally. Lots of people and company’s use torrents to legally distribute files over the internet. The good thing about torrents are they are not stored and centralised in one place, but… Read more →

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