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Difference Between VOIP and PTSN

What is PTSN

PTSN stands for Public Switched Telephone Network, and before the internet became mainstream was the old telephone type system we have and still use a lot in our homes and business.

If you have seen the old movies where someone sits at a desk switching telephones together from calls inbound and connecting to calls outbound you have some sort of idea how the technology initially worked.

To begin with it was analog and over time became digital and no longer needed a person to do the switching connecting people all over the world via fixed lines, microwave, satellites and mobile phone cell networks.

The more people used this technology the cheaper it begun and for many years was the ideal way to communicate with people all over the world.


  • Easy to use.
  • Less interruptions.
  • Better voice quality.


  • More expensive.
  • Less features.
  • Less current development


What is VOIP

VOIP Stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol or simply put a telephone used over the internet, by passing your local telephone switching company.

VOIP works by taking your analog voice signals and converting them to digital and using software to transmit them over your internet connection.

VOIP can be done a couple of ways very cheap or free if you have astable internet connection.

  1.  IP Phone are a particular type of smart phone with software built into it. Rather than plugging your IP Phone into RJ-11 adapter in your wall, you instead plug it into your internet modem or router via a ethernet cable with an RJ-45 on the end of it. IP Phones look like normal phones but are in fact special hardware with software built in to make it effortless connect to your provider and make calls with an active internet connection.
  2. Your computer. Your computer can be used as a VOIP phone with the aid of some speakers, microphone, and software.  Programs like Skype of even Facebook Messenger can be used to talk to anyone with the same software on their phone or computer anywhere in the world for free.
  3. ATA – Analog Telephone Adapter. This is pretty much the easiest way to connect any old analog telephone to a VOIP network. It is basically an adapter you plug your telephone into which then plugs into your modem or, switch or router and becomes a VOIP phone.


  • Very Cheap.
  • Use on both computer and telephone, mobile etc.
  • Packed with different features.


  • Sometimes unreliable.
  • Susceptible to local network outages.
  • Can get complicated on larger setups.


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