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Windows 10 Free Upgrade Loophole

Its been a long time coming but as of the last day in July 2016 Microsoft are no longer offering Windows 10 as a free upgrade to most Windows 8, 8 and 8.1 users.

What seems kind of counterintuitive because Microsoft wants people to use Windows 10 seem weird they would put a shelf life on when you had the free offer up until. Most people speculated it was a ploy to get people to use it as soon as possible and with a new loophole appearing it seems Microsoft might be looking for an excuse to still give the operating system away for free.

I have seen a lot of mixed result when upgrading to Windows 10. A lot of computer built for Windows 10 seemed to not have a lot of problems, but for many upgrading from earlier operating system there are a lot of problems making there way to me such as, BSOD (Blue Screens of Death) loss of Wireless, networking and sounds, or the black screen when logging on.


Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, those wanting to take advantage of the free Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade still can simply by choosing to install Windows 10 with accessibility features which include magnification, visual and audio accessibility.

Microsoft have not said how long they will be allowing people to install through this method which, but we assume it could be sometime. At least until Microsoft feel they have enough people using their Windows 10 platform.

When install Windows 10 free this way there is not verification process of way of telling if you need or will use these features and the setup process is no different than it was previously.


Pro’s of using Windows 10

Windows 10 is a very modern operating system. Iy has increased features for browsing the internet and security in mind. I have used a few computer to install Windows 10 and my i-series processors did a lot better than my older computers.

Although I have one computer here which is about 6 years old and seemed to be just ok.

Security Updates – Windows 10 is great if you want to keep your computer as secure as possible in the PC Windows ethos.

Uniformed Platform – The theory is by forcing Windows users to all use Windows 10 developers can make applications and programs which should always use on your Windows 10 PC, no matter what machine you are using.


Cons of using Windows 10

Bad updates have been the biggest problem for me so far.

Most updates have been ok but a few times I have gone through the whole Windows update process and my computer has not been able to post; start up once updated.

Once wasn’t really a big problem and I was able to system restore, but a few times I had to take the hard drive out, mount it in another computer, take the files off and re-install the whole operating system again on the original computer.

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