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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Mac Repairs Townsville

Apple has always lead the ways in technology and computing. Although Apple didn’t event the computer, you can thank them for bringing them into your home, small business and pocket (iPhone).

As awesome as the Apple technology is (Im a big fan), Apple do try and lock a lot of us out on what hardware can be sourced, and what and where maintenance can occur.

In the last few years Apple have changed the way they do business. Repairing Apple Mac computers has becoming significantly cheaper and we are repairing a lot more of them.

The great thing about Apple computers is when they work,they work flawlessly. When they play up, you usually can’t even get into them, all you is a black screen or grey with a flicking icon.


Apple mac computer repairs in Townsville


Common Apple Mac Problems

Hard Drive – Failing HDD (Hard Disk Drives) are the number one problem we see with Apple Mac desktop and laptop computers.

Hard drives spin around at about 7200 times per minute,making them vulnerable to a lot of wear and tare (do them maths for days, weeks sand years.

An alternative to putting a regular hard drive back in to your Mac computer is a SSD (Solid State Drive) which basically has no moving parts and can make your mac computer a lot faster.

The big problem with SSD’s is bag for your buck.  You play a little bit more, and only get one quarter the drive storage space.


No Display

Second biggest problems we see with Apple Mac computer is loss of display output, no monitor screen.

This can happen because of a software problem, a graphics problem or motherboard problem. Software problems are a lot cheaper and easier to fix.

Hardware problems like motherboards failing, usually require more time sourcing the products and installing them.

After a few year sit is harder to buy replacement hardware for Mac computers, at least buying new hardware for old computers is a lot harder and more expensive.

If it is too expensive to replace your Mac hardware, Townsville Nerds will let you know all the options before going and ahead and doing something.

Sometimes its just better to put your money towards buying a new computer, than adding new parts with old.


OSX Updates and Upgrades

Scared to update you OSX operating system? You might have good reason too.

Many of our customers bring in Mac Computers which do not start up after a software update or operating system Upgrade.

All computers have an operating system (an environment all your programs live in). You are probably familiar with Microsoft Windows, or IOS and Android on your phones.

Apple computers use OSX and its current version is free for existing Apple users and is called macOS 10.12 Sierra.

Sierra comes with an abundance of updates and optimisation to make you Apple Macbook run faster and is worth having on your Mac Computer.

But like with all updates and upgrades a lot of things can and do go wrong, resulting in not being able to turn your Mac on or boot into your computer.

Sometimes this also results in loss of data so it is always good to backup your computer before doing any major updates or up[grades; specially of your operating system.


Time Machine Backups

Time Machine is Apples genius way of backing up and it is really effortless.

With Time Machine you can back up the entire state of your machine at different time intervals and choose when you want to restore to.  You can choose to restore your entire system not just to the latest backup, but one much earlier if you still have room on your backup device.

Backup devices include any sort of media like external USB hard drive, NAS or Apples very own backup Time Machine hardware which wireless connects to your network and can backup every so often so you are always getting the latest backups.

Most of the time this backup technology works great. But we have helped some very heartbroken people recover their lost data on Time Machine hardware.

Always keep your time machine backups in a safe and secure area, where there is no water, and not too much sun to prevent over heating.

Most Time Machine disasters we see are because the back up have been knocked over or to the floor.


Backing Up Tip

People make the mistake of leaving their backup drive connected to their computer the whole time. This is great when you want to access your information and don’t have the time to plug it in.

But where the real problems occur is when they have their backups connected to their computer and something happens like a power surge or they knock their computer off the desk. It can and does take the backups down with them.

Always disconnect your back up when not using them and put them in a dry safe place.


Virtualisation Errors

Virtualisation is a technical term for running multiple computers, simultaneously on the same hardware.

With Virtualisation such as software like Boot camp or virtual box you can run a Windows computer right inside your OSX session with just a few click.

Both operating systems share the same hardware and yes it can make your computer run a bit slower, but is a great way to not have to but new hardware to run another machine, and make use of resources not being used.

The big problem with virtualisation is sometimes it just stops working. This usually isn’t a problem, its easier enough to make another machine, but can be a big problem if you have lost a lot of valuable data saved in your virtual computer.

This can happen because of the virtual software itself, the OSX operating system or other software inside your virtual machine.

Just another reason to back up your Mac computer.


Townsville Nerds Mac Repairs

Townsville computer repair Nerds can help with all your Apple computer repairs.

We love Mac computers and even use them ourselves (as well as Linux and Windows computers).

If you have any Apple iMac or Macintosh questions please feel free to give us a call anytime on 0402 807 890. All are quotes are free and have no obligation.

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