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Spam and Ham eMails

One of the most annoying things in all of computers has to be annoying emails sent to us day in and day out from people who want our attention, money and advertising views.

I have one email account which is over 20 years old, which gets thousands of emails every day regarding everything from stuff I wouldn’t want my mother to see, to ways to improve my website and love life.

This email is hosted by one of the largest and prominent email providers, with millions invested in filters and security and yet I still seem to get these messages.

Luckily most are sent to the junk file, but about a dozen make their way into my Inbox every day.

spam email help townsville


The Difference between Ham and Spam eMails

As you can see from the start of this email I did not use the work spam, instead I referred to these types of emails as annoying or junk.

Thgis is because there is a very big difference between annoying, spam and ham.

When a customer calls me and tells me they are getting a lot of SPAM eMail, most of the time these are actually HAM, not Spam. Although they are all pretty annoying there is actually a really big difference.

The big difference between the two comes down to the word, “unsolicited”.

SPAM: Is unsolicited email which arrives in your inbox from a person or company trying to sell you something or get you to click on somehting you did not ask for or sign up for.

HAM: Is an email you have signed up for, knowingly or not.  An example of this can happen when you download some software and it has asked for your email address and you have checked the box without reading the agreement and terms.

A sneaky way they make this happen is sometimes these box’s are already checked and you have not unchecked them.


How Can I Stop Annoying eMails

SPAM: The best way is to use an eMail provider with good spam filters. Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) probably gave you an email address when you set up your account with them and they are usually pretty good.

A lot fo the free email providers don’t provide very good SPAM filtering. Although the big players like Google Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Microsoft Outlook and Hotmail do a pretty good job.

You can buy email filtering software which works with your mail client on your computer, but they seem to always be on the end of a loosing battle.

A good way to prevent spam emails ever reaching your inbox is to train your email client to learn and know when it receives unwanted emails by start moving the offenders to junk and over time a good eMail client like Outlook or Thunderbord will start learning and automating the process.

HAM: The besy way to deal with unwanted HAM eMails is to go to the bottom of your email and click in the unsubscribe option and follow the process.

If it is legitimate email, it will have an unsubscribe button. If it does not, you can apply the same training of your eMail client as mentioned above with SPAM.


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